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   Tom was sitting on a bench, with Edd by his side. Edd stroked Ringo's head as he smiled widely. It seemed like a normal day, with the usual weather and all that. All of a sudden, Ringo jumped out of Edd's lap, and ran across the street. Edd got up and chased his cat. By the time he was on the street, a car was coming at a fast paste. Tom screamed to warn Edd but it was to late. There he was, laying on the ground.... Dead. Tom stared in horror as blood was splashing everywhere. Ringo sat in place, licking his fur. Tord appeared behind Tom with a gun aimed at his head. Tord pulled the trigger. Now Tom was also dead......

Tom woke up, shaking in fear. Drops of sweat dripped off his face. He turned to see Ringo standing in his bedroom. Not so long after, Edd poked his head in Tom's room and smiled.

"Wakey, Wakey sleepy head", Edd said in his "cute" voice. Tom forced a smile trying to act as if he didn't just wake up from a nightmare.

"Ell made pancakes". Oh right. Tom had forgotten the girls where here. He didn't mind Tamara and Ell. Matilda, in his opinion, can be a little to much. "Just like Matt" he thought as he smirked. Tori though, was his favorite. She reminded him of Tord.

"Hurry up!" Edd's voice broke his thinking.

"I'll be there..." Edd ran back into the dim light. Tom put his new blue hoodie on, and went outside to the living room. Edd, Matt, Ell, Matilda, Tamara, and Tori where all waiting. Ell was surfing through the fridge looking for something.

"Looks like there's no orange juice", Ell said with a frown.

"We'll just drink milk", Matt replied. Ell picked up an empty milk carton.

"We ran out..." Ell said.

"Looks like we have to go get some. Alright breakfast can wait" Edd got up his chair and everyone else followed him out the door.


    Everyone was walking down the street carrying either milk or o.j. Edd looked at the other side of the street and saw a very familiar man.

"Is that Tord?" He finally said.

"Impossible",Matt said with confedence,"Tom killed him!"

"Yeah.." Tom replied.

"But what if..."

"If you don't believe me, call him!"

"Tord!" Edd screamed loudly. The familiar man turned around and stood there in shock.

"Tord?" Edd screamed again making it sound like a question. Tord pulled his hood over his head and started running away as fast as he could.

"Tord! Wait!" Matt and Edd both screamed at the same time. During a this, Ell, Tamara, Matilda, and Tori stood there in shock.

"Tom?" Tori looked at Tom as he darted after Tord.

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