I have no internet hh

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whoops no internet
my games are crap
when I post this, I'm probably at a Free internet place for Five minutes or at someone else's place.
Note, Coke doesn't mix with Crab inari urg

//Snow snow and more fucking snow\\
this short story will probably have characters you don't know, Cause they're mine.
This Book will have mature themes oops
Like Suicide, Depressive thoughts,  and sexual refences.

It always snows at this time of the night, Why even I'm out? I guess I'm all Dressed up but go no where to go. It's a Werid feeling, Really.

I walk on the footpath, If you can even call it that. I'm lucky I memorized where it was, Since it was Covered in white powdery snow. I pull my hoodie over my head to protect my head from the snow, Well mostly my hair.
The houses seemed to line up, Till there's a Eventual Space between them so there could be a Road to drive through. Really, Who ever made this town was, What's the word? I can't even remember.

The shops wouldn't be open, Some reason there's a Curfew of Ten PM, I usually sneak out just to break the rules. It's fun Really. A gloved hand taps my shoulder taps my shoulder and I turned around.

A Twelvie, Ugh. She had black hair, But it was done in a Pixie hair style. Which I absolutely Despise, Her eyes were a Dark blue. Her eyelashes were long, Like she had extensions, But she never wore them. She had Ear muffs over her ears, So I'll Probably have to Yell for her to hear me. Her clothes were a thick black jacket and Pants, Her gloves were Pink though.
Her name was Joan.

"Why are you Out here?" Joan whispers she had Judging eyes as she rubbed her gloved hands together. "Going for a walk, Why the hell are you out?" I say in a scolding tone, Her eyes went from Judging to piercing look.
"I'm here to tell you it's past Ten, If you get caught you're gonna get in a lot of trouble." Joan states coldly and I replied with a eye roll.

"Yes mum, I'll go home straight away." I say Sarcastically, Joan smiles at my joke. Then goes back to her glare. "Just hurry up and get home, I'm not gonna get in trouble because of you." Joan mumbled, Her cheeks were Bright red then she ran off.

I knew she had a Crush on me, But I don't return her Feelings. Why would I? She's way too young for me and I can't stand that hairstyle. The only time I've heard someone deal with her is when she's online and playing. What was it? Outwatch? Cleanwatch? Nah, Joan wouldn't play a Game called that.

I approach a mansion, It was located just behind the Shops. The Drive way was basically the road, If you drove all the way up. There was a Gate, That was as old as the hills. Appearently, The mansion was made by the founders of the town. But their Descendants are complete jerks, Well in my opinion.

I started to head back home, I've been out for a hour now, It's a long walk from my place to the top of the town. It sucks really. Not like I can give a crap.

I finally find my way home, All the lights were off. So hopefully mum is Asleep, I sneak, Well try to. The crunching of the sound of Snow my footsteps make does not help. I make it to the Back of my house. My window was shut. I swear I left it open.

Goddamnit Timmy, What a asshole. He shut my window to leave me out in the cold. I walk over to my window and Tried to open it. The thing was frozen shut, Even popsicles was there. Then a LOL written on it, I wipe some of the Frost off the window and Growl.

A male was sleeping in my bed, Not just any male. my identical twin, The only difference between us is that his hair is a Brighter yellow, His braces, Brighter skin and his damn Stutter. And clothing Choice of course, Plus I have more Muscle then that nerd.
"Timmy! You Jerk!! let me in!!" I yell, Timmy only shuffles in my bed.

I sighed, I have no where to go. And it's almost to the coldest hour. I already feel the Frost bite taking over my lips. No one's awake. My fingers feel Numb under my Gloves, Ugh I hate this Feeling. My brother only did this just to piss me off and 'teach me a lesson'. I don't even understand the fucking Curfew.

I started to go to Desprate measures, I walked up To Joans house. It's freezing out here, the cold breeze whipped across my lips it made me feel even colder. My teeth chatter together as I hug myself to gain warmth, I move one of my arms to Knock on the door. The Knock was softened because of my gloves, But no way I was gonna take them off.

Five moments later, No answer.
walking has started to feel like a chore.
I just start to walk away, Mumbling swear words.
I sit down on the curb.
I'm often told I need to clean up my act, But maturity is something I lack.
I'm going to kill Timmy when tomorrow comes. My lips are probably purple by now, I can see my own breath blur my vision.

"Why the fuck are you out here?" A cold voice grumbles, I look up and a Male with a Harsh look stared down at me.
The male had their Thick black Jacket, He had the Hood over his head, The snow made it hard to see who it was. But the voice told  me it was that Douche bag Garry.

"Wh-why are y-y-you here?" I mumble, That stuttering, It makes me seem weak. I hate it.
"Timmy or Kenny?"
"Kenny, Jerk."
A gloved hand reached out for my hand and I took it. "It's past Curfew, you're luck I have sleeping issues." Garry grumbles.
"Is it because you're too busy being a emo?"
"Goth," He corrects. "And no, I don't like taking my sleeping pills."
I scoffed, What a Freak.

We eventually Make it to his house, I hate Garry with a Passion, But it's my only way out of the cold. He opens the door and Pushes me inside. "Hey!" I yell, I Nearly lost my footing. But I managed to save myself from falling over. "What was that for!?" I yell at him, I turned around just to yell at him. I knew he didn't care about his mother, So I didn't hold my tongue.

"You're gonna get yourself killed."
Garry states. "And don't act like a self conscious shit."
"Whatever Garry," I brush myself off, Like I was getting rid of Dirt. "Timmy locked me out, so I need a place to stay." I grumble and a Smirk spreads across Garry's face. "You deserve it though, Anyways You can sleep on the lounge." He says. I just shot him a glare. "I ain't letting you try a move with me!" Garry scolds.
"No homo." I snicker.

drop me into a unfaulting dream

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