Not Good

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Jeon Jungkook was a thief. 

He knew what he was doing was wrong, but that didn't stop him. He did however, put some deep thought into it because he knew that if he was going to do this he had to execute it perfectly. After all, if Jungkook was going to be a thief then he was going to be a damn good one.

 And he was.

It was the last day of their muster event and the boys were already on their way back to the apartment; they felt tired but accomplished on a job well done. What the others didn't know however was that Jungkook was also feeling accomplished for an entirely different reason. That reason was currently buried deep in the carry on bag at his feet. Every so often Jungkook's eyes would drift from the car window to the bag on the floor; the mere thought of it's contents had the youngest member bouncing his leg in excitement. He couldn't wait to get home.

To Jungkook's immense displeasure, it was almost three hours later when he was finally able to make it to his room alone. He should have known that their staff would prepare a celebratory dinner for the members. Of course, he couldn't opt out so he tried his best to join in the festivities, but his mind kept wandering back to the bag. 

The bag that was now sitting in front of him on his well made bed. The sight of it was teasing, almost as if it were saying, "What took you so long?"

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. With out another moment's thought, he zipped open the bag and hastily rummaged through it until he felt his hand clasp around the very thing that had been driving him crazy all along. 

He pulled out black leather straps that were intricately attached to two silver rings, the design of it although simple managed to accomplish it's purpose, to convey sin. Jungkook couldn't help but curse the creator of the contraption that was in his hand, if only they knew what their creation had done to him. It drove him to sin, to steal something that was not his.

But thinking of the owner of the item quickly had Jungkook thanking the creator of the contraption instead. Because god damn, was he thankful for getting the chance to see these leather straps fastened tight against the body of their owner.

It caught him by surprise too. Apparently there was a last minute decision on one of the outfits for the muster event, a decision he was not aware of. In fact he was so caught off guard, that when they stepped out onto the stage and he looked to his right he felt his whole body tense as he did everything in his power to not collapse or worse, which would have been creaming his pants right then and there. 

Because there, standing right next to him was Jimin, looking like the epitome of a wet dream. What was once his simple stage outfit of black jeans and a white long sleeve, was now the perfect mix of innocence and naughtiness. Jimin had a naturally angelic look to him which was appealing to many already, but with the leather harness strapped tightly against him, accenting his frame with sensuality, well he had the power to bring any man or woman down to their knees. 

Or if they were anything like him, they would go as far as to set up an elaborate plan to steal the very thing that made Jimin look like sex walking. The moment he saw that outfit, he knew he had to have the harness. If he couldn't have Jimin, then he would at least have this. He ran his hand against one of the leather straps and imagined how it would feel like to stoke that same leather while it was still against Jimin's body.

Jungkook groaned. He was already getting hard from just the thought. Too hard, in fact. He decided he had waited long enough, it was time he got some relief from all that Jimin and his harness had put his through. Slowly, with his free hand, he began to journey down his abdomen to the growing bulge in his pants.

That was when the door to his room opened suddenly and a talking Jimin walked in. 

Jungkook could have died right that instant but he refused to go red handed and with what would most likely be a major case of blue balls. Thankfully his body reacted before his mind did and he managed to turn around with his hands behind his back, obscuring the harness that was clenched in his hands. He hoped Jimin didn't notice his abrupt behavior but most importantly he hoped he didn't notice how his jeans were unusually tight in a certain area. Jungkook was so focused on concealing the item and himself that he only caught the end of what Jimin was saying.

"-rest are already asleep, so I came to see if you wanted to play with me?" Jimin finished, with a hopeful look on his face. 

At this point there was so much blood in Jungkook's nether regions, that the way Jimin phrased his question made him twitch uncomfortably in his pants. This was what they probably meant when they warned against the dangers of thinking with your dick. Jungkook would have laughed if he wasn't so frustrated at being in his current predicament. Something must have shown on his face because Jimin began to worry.

"Whats wrong Jungkook, are you feeling alright?" He took a step towards him, "Should I take your temp-"

Before he could get any closer, Jungkook came to life.

"No! Ugh- I mean no, I don't feel like playing," He made his voice stern and unwelcoming, hoping it would get Jimin to leave. "And you shouldn't barge into people's rooms so suddenly, it's rude." 

Jimin pouted, he wasn't expecting that sort of reaction, "Ah I'm sorry for not knocking but you're the one being rude now, not talking proper and all. I only wanted to see if you wanted to play with me."

Another twitch from down under because of that damn question, Jungkook couldn't help but grit his teeth. "I already said I don't want to play. Now, leave." At that, Jimin's eyes narrowed dangerously and so he quickly added, "Please, hyung."

"Fine," Jimin said coldly as he turned towards the door. 

Jungkook most likely pissed him off but he decided that that was better than getting discovered. Jungkook's eyes closed as he sighed, anything was better than getting discovered. And then his eyes snapped open again because the words that he heard next were not in fact better.  

"But before I leave Jungkook-ah," Jimin said as he turned around to face him, a playful smirk clear on his lips, "How about returning what you stole from me?"

Jeon Jungkook was a thief, but not a very good one. 


Tune in for part two, it's smutty. ;)

Also, please come scream with me about BTS on twitter @ slave2bts

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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