Kingdom II: Fire

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Shoun was a fiery, hot head. I'm not joking his hair looked like the flames of fire. His eyes even burned like golden ember. As handsome as he was you would think he was some prince. But its true, he is a prince--well was--the story began before he was born:

About eight years ago, an army of thieves came in and overthrew the kingdom. Now the land was ruled by a warlord and the  leader of the thieves. The land quickly fell into poverty and chaos! When he was born, his parents blamed themselves for the fact that his life may never get better.

It was the King, Queen, him, and his younger adopted sister. Her name was Lilith. She wasn't his blood-sister, but was accepted into the family as one of them. Lilith and Shoun went out to find food, as usual, for diner. Lilith was being as curious as ever, and Shoun was very annoyed by it. At first, he would just ignore it, but now enough is enough.

"Lily. Just shut it! Now!" He yelled.

"But big brother..."

"No hush."

"Sorry Shony..."

The last sound out of him was a scoff as they split up to find food faster.


Hours went by before Shoun went back to the designated meeting spot. There he saw his mother crouched over something. His father must have noticed his presence, for he turned around and hugged him. He did not hug back because he was confused. "Shoun...Lilith...Lilith was...murdered!"
His father finally said as he, now, clenched his father as he sobbed. The thing that his mother was sobbing over was his younger sister's ice cold body. That night they huddled together in front of Lilith's grave. Shoun was never the same again.

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