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Kayden's P.O.V

Hi, my name is Kayden, Kayden Jones, I'm a 16 year old girl and I attend Middle-East Ridge High School. Also known as M.E.R. High. I have 2 awesome Best-Friends, Crystal Mendez and Angelica Martin, who also attend that school. I have awesome parents, well I guess I should say parent, my mom left when I was 6 so my dad's been taking care of me. Apart from that I would say I have a pretty lit life, but sometimes I feel like something's missing.

~Time-Skip to school~

Crystal, Angelica, and I were in Science right now when an announcement on the loud speaker came on. "Mr. Ulatowski, can you please send Crystal Mendez, Angelica Martin, and Kayden Jones to the front office?" the announcement said. 

At that moment me and the girls looked at each other when we thought we were dead. We walked out of the classroom, and were in the hallway in the middle of a discussion.

"Girl what are we gonna do? This gonna end up on MY permanent record! I wanted to go to Harvard so bad!"

"What do you think Principal Hart called us for?" Angelica and I both look at Crystal.

"What I didn't do anything don't look at me!"

As we walk in the principal's office, we are greeted by 5 good looking boys in front of our female teenage, hormonal, selves. 'OML what are these angels from heaven doing here!' I thought.

"Ah, I see you have arrived, no, you aren't in trouble at all. These are the new students that are now attending M.E.R. High. You are to show them around school, sit with them at lunch, and have classes with them everyday. Staff has changed your schedule so you all have the same classes." The principal says sternly. Crystal whispered in my ear and said, "Well isn't that a lot for some new kids?" I smirked "Mrs.Hart to we get our weekends or do we spend those with them too?" Crystal said. 

"Well Crystal," She jumped, " These particular five boys are Something Different, you'll find out soon enough. Now leave my office and get to class! And yes you get your weekends but GET TO CLASS!" She said.

As we all leave the Principals Office, Angelica starts asking questions. "So who is who?"she asks.

The tallest one speaks up first, "I'm Jonah Marais." Like I said Jonah is pretty tall. Could do sports, brown hair, and somewhat blue. He looks a bit in shape and is kinda cute, probably not my type though. I nod.

"Hi I'm Zach Herron." You can tell easily that he's the youngest bro. He has long chocolate hair and eyes. His cheeks are the lightest shade of pink, he is shorter than the rest but taller than Angelica. He is  good looking, like the rest. The next one who goes is the other tall one, "Hello, I'm Daniel Seavey, and I like watermelons"He says as he smiles. Well I like this kid so I give him a high-five. He has nice brown hair, and the bluest eyes, I mean his eyes are BLUE! He is tall but shorter that Jonah. He has a pretty sharp jawline. He has the cutest tooth gap. Looks like he has some potential at this school. Well I am declaring Daniel my guy best friend.

The next one goes up and says, "I'm Besson, Corbyn Besson." Then he quickly added "with a Y." Let me tell you something, this guy has bleached blond hair that fits him well. He has a mix of blue green eyes. He is taller than, Daniel. But slightly shorter than Jonah. I smile, he looks pretty promising. I also nodded at him. The last one was the one with the perm "Hi I'm Jack Avery." He has pretty brown eyes with long and dark eyelashes. He is shorter than Daniel but taller than Zach. Very nice, I nod. "Is your hair made of noodles or am I just that hungry?" Crystal said "It's a perm." they all replied.

But something was missing, if they are all brother's why don't they have the same last name? I'm gonna ask but before I do all of that jazz, we have to introduce ourselves first, and maybe get to know each other. Just so that they don't feel uncomfortable.

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