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I begin to tell Kairen what my nightmares were of. He sits with me in his arms as I explain my childhood and pretty much my whole life before him. It was painful for me but I knew that he was trustworthy to know of my darkest secrets. I told him stuff he already knew but some he didn't.

After I was done explaining I began to remember my whole childhood from when both my father and mother were criminals and were constantly on the run, and I was only 6 when they were both shot in front of me by someone who they knew well.

After that I was left all alone. I was a thin and weak 6 year old on the streets with no food except for what I could find in the trash and water from public fountains. Hunger got so bad to the point of me unconscious in an alley one day, behind an apartment building. A young woman scooped me up and took me to her home where she took care of me for about 3 years until I ran away. Her boyfriend at the time was very violent to both me and her so she told me that it'd be best to leave. I was 8 at the time and I had no where to go so I slept in the park for a few weeks until I met another girl who lived on the streets. She was 16 and worked for some of the crime lords in the city as a thief and other odd jobs and got me into the business. I met so many other kids my age who worked as thieves for the gangs and other criminals in the city. I also pickpocket and shoplifted often only for gangs and other criminals to take a large cut.

Kayla, the girl that brought me into all of this was kind of like a big sister to me, and all of the other street kids too. When she turned 19 she got a job in one of the gangs clubs working as a bartender and prostitute because it payed more and used what she earned to feed us kids.

We all lived in a run down, basically abandoned apartment building that was territory of the same gang Kayla worked for. She took in about 8 kids including me and knew many more older street kids around town that she exchanged information with. Sometimes they would ask for us younger kids to do some deliveries to gangs with messages and packages. Kayla never let any of us do any of that. She said we were all at to much risk for that type of job, so she kept us all on stealing and shoplifting. She did all the deliveries.

Once I turned 12 I started doing deliveries without Kayla knowing and saw a lot of things I shouldn't have. After a while she found out and kicked me out of the apartment and told me never to come back. I never understood why she did that until I look back on it, and now I know why. She was trying to protect the other kids from that job for a reason. You saw way to much death and murder and the messenger almost always gets shot. And for a year of just living off of what I could scavenger up I met Kairen. I was 13 at the time and I was out pickpocketing and I happened to steal his wallet from his back pocket at a subway station. He noticed and grabbed my arm. He was 17 at the time and had a lot more strength than me. We became friends after that he hung out with me everyday after he got out of school. His parents soon found out and they said I could live with them since I had no where to go. Once I turned 14 I had my first kiss with Kairen then we started to date and at 15 I lost my virginity to him and happened to get pregnant my first time. Which is now my 3 year old son Theron.

I was happy now. I'm in a safe place with my best friend and children with a family that cares for me and my son and soon daughter. It couldn't  get any better than this. I felt the most peace at this time in my life. I'm content.

"Sweety, I love you. And I love that you love our children." I said to Kairen.

He smiled and chuckled.

"And you too." He said bringing up my hand and kissing the back of it.

"Of course you love me! I'm the best thing anyone could ever want." I said giving his lips a small peck.

We both snuggle up and fall asleep on the couch.

I am so glad I found this man.

In the morning I awoke to me lying on an empty couch in my pajamas. I turn over to face the hallway and see a tired little boy rubbing his eyes. I smile at him then get up and head over to Theron. I pick him up and place him on my left hip and walk into the kitchen.

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