The first day at camp

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Your POV
I'm so happy! I get home from school and then find out I'm going to camp rock! Tomorrow is the first day and I'm so excited! I pack a couple of decorations, clothes, hair stuff, ect. My parents are both lawyers, successful ones. So we are kinda ish REALLY rich! But I'm leaving that here so no one judges me because of my parents. One thing you need to know about me, I'm a bad girl! Not smoking and drinking bad but leather jacket, motorcycle and kick ass bad! I hope no one judges me for it! I go to sleep after packing, really excited for tomorrow! Btw I get my own cabin that I can invite anyone to stay with me in! I get to choose my roommates! Yes! This is going to be awesome! And with that thought I'm asleep.

The next day

Your POV
I wake up and get on my motorcycle after getting ready. The car already took my bags last night so I'm set! I say goodbye to my parents and leave. I turn the radio on and celebrity gossip comes on. "That's right folks connect three is going to camp rock! Shane Gray needs an attitude improvement and the other two boys Nate Gray and Jason Gray need a break, so all three of them are going to camp rock!" The reporter says and I roll my eyes and switch the station. Then Joan Jett "I love rock' n 'roll" comes on and I smile! It plays for the rest of the ride. I do ice into camp and get of my motorcycle after dropping it off at my cabin, my cabin is right next to the stage! Then I walk into the camp feeling proud! I made it to camp rock! This summer is going to be so fun! I see a bunch of people though and that's kinda getting me a little shook! I hope I fit in! Maybe just maybe this summer might rock my world! Until then cross your fingers camp rock cause here I come!

Nate's POV
The limo pulls up to the camp and I sigh. "Never thought I'd be back here..." I say and my bro Jason nods. "Same." He says and Shane just complains. "Guys I won't do it again please don't make me go back! I need my hair products!" Shane just whines and whines, while the driver gives us our bags. We all get out Shane still complaining and head to our cabin. Its the second one closest to the stage. The one next to it looks unpopulated though. Why didn't we get that one? I wonder...oh well. We head out and are immediately met my a huge group of fan girls...need less to say we hightailed it out of there!

Your POV
Camp was just hanging out today so I pass by the stage and see three girls performing. I laugh the the blonde turns around. "Who are you and why are you laughing?!" She demands and I already hate her. "None of your business asshole! And its just your singing a real self absorbed, stupid, girly song. That's all." I smirk at her and she let's out a gasp. "How dare you!" She says and I roll my eyes. "Please princess I've met your type and believe me if you EVER talk to me like that again you WILL regret it!" I say and she rolls her eyes. "Whatever!" She says but I can tell she's a little scared. I smirk and walk away.

 I smirk and walk away

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

^^Your everyday look except the outfit! The hairstyle only in the last picture unless you want to look like that! I'll show you the outfit change!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

^^Your everyday look except the outfit! The hairstyle only in the last picture unless you want to look like that! I'll show you the outfit change!

I head to the mess hall where I meet some girls. There names are Mitchie and Caitlyn. I think I might invite them to my cabin! Then that snobby girl comes over. We all meet at the stage. I roll my eyes when I see her and Caitlyn laughs. "You don't like her ether huh?" She asks and I nod. "I've met her type there just snobby brats!" I say and she nods. Then Tess comes over and starts talking. Mitchie tries to impress her and apparently it works! Then she ditches us! I sigh and so does Caitlyn. Then the director comes up on stage. "Hello everyone!" The guy says in a rock star tone. I smile. "I like this guy already!" I say and Caitlyn laughs. "Same!" she says and we giggles then turn our attention back to the guy on stage. "As you know connect three is here this summer! So I'm going to invite them on stage and they are going to play a piece for you so sit down and get comfortable!" He says and we all sit down. I start tapping my foot and the three guys come on stage.

Nate's POV
I walk on stage and grab my guitar. We decide I would do guitar and Jason would do drums...this time. I put the strap on and look at the audience. I see a girl, a cute girl with a badass style looking at the stage. My eyes join with her and I smile. She looks surprised but smiles back. Then we play and after we're done we're met with a ton of applause. I smile and head of the stage. "That. Was. Awesome!" Jason says and pulls us into a group hug. We decide to head back to the mess hall and get lunch before anyone else was there. We grab lunch and quickly head back to our cabin and lock the door.

Your POV
I have to admit. The one I made eye contact with is kinda cute. But I'd NEVER admit that out loud! I grab lunch and head to the padio. Its kinda niece to be alone finally but then Caitlyn finds me. "Hey." She said and sat down next to me. I'm fine with it I'm just saying its nice to be alone once in a while. "Hey." I smile and we dig in. I invite her to my cabin which she excepts immediately. We move her stuff and then get her settled in. We laugh and play around till about midnight. Then we decide one more question for both of us to answer then we go to bed! "So which connect three guy do you think is the cutest?" She asks and I giggle. "Um the backup singer that played the guitar." I say and she laughs "That's Nate. I'd probably say...Jason the drummer." She says and I laugh. "Shane's the lead singer." She says and I nod then we go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day!

Nate Gray x reader (camp rock) Just Playing Music (Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora