Chapter 3

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Now! we all come to the portion where Shiro will start his training with Gem Gem but what could be the next step for our potential hero of dragon planet and what are the plans of Cronus in choosing Shiro to be the new hero and choosing Dragon S to be it's summon.

   Moments later, Gem Gem told himself "(smiles confidently) now! this training will be more intense (gasps)" all of a sudden, Shiro attacks from from mid-air using a hammer fist Gem Gem defended himself creating a small crack into the ground and said "nice shot! I bet you can do more than that (laughs)" then Shiro flies away and said "ok! I'll show you! (charges up)" Gem Gem attacks first throwing a hard punch Shiro was hit, Gem Gem continues by throwing some hard blows and throws a hard kick Shiro bangs into a brick wall and takes his stance saying "my turn! (uses a leaping high knee)" Gem Gem groans in pain and counters using a sudden uppercut punch Shiro uses shunpo and throws a right kick Gem Gem was surprised and was hit at the same time and also being stunned then Shiro said to himself " now's my chance! (uses a spin kick)" Gem Gem reacts unexpectedly telling himself "no you don't! (defended himself)" Shiro was surprised but Gem Gem uses a straight punch and throws a spin kick Shiro exclaims in pain banging into a huge rock creating a small crack, Gem Gem runs very fast and uses a leaping magical metal punch then Shiro uses shunpo and attacks from behind throwing a fire ball for the first time Gem Gem reacts swatting away the fire ball and said "not so fast (uses a counter kick)" Shiro groans in pain and uses shunpo then told himself "he's tough."

    Now, Gem Gem was totally impressed about Shiro's dragon skills but still Gem Gem wonders why is Shiro still refuses to draw out his full power. Gem Gem flies away and said "good! now your getting it (smiles)" Shiro didn't say a word but took his stance, Gem Gem was quite intimidated saying "what's the matter? you seem disappointed." Shiro replies "honestly yeah!" Gem Gem answers "why? don't you like training with me?" Shiro said "of course I do! but I don't know the reason why you are training me?! that's why I'm disappointed." Gem Gem laughs saying "I don't think I follow you." Shiro was quite pissed saying "just answer my question! why are you training me?!" suddenly, Gem Gem uses a dash punch Shiro defended himself but Gem Gem said "I'm training you to become a hero of this planet and as my living legacy (uses a straight kick)" Shiro reacts quickly using a shunpo leaping away from Gem Gem creating a distance between the two of them.

   Then Shiro stands up firmly bringing out the sword that Gem Gem gave him, Gem Gem said "are you really sure about using your sword?" Shiro replies confidently "of course! (uses a leaping slash)" Gem Gem jumps away telling himself "impressive swing! (laughs) this boy is a true prodigy (gasps)" Shiro fires a bloodlust cycle but Gem Gem took his stance and swats away the bloodlust cycle hitting a pile of rocks occurring a loud explosion after a while, Gem Gem flies fast throwing a hard kick Shiro ducks immediately and uses a uppercut slash but in a unexpected timing Gem Gem uses teleport landing into a huge rock.

   As the training gets intense, Gem Gem told himself "(laughs) wow! he just keeps on making me proud but not enough to be a hero." Shiro said "hey! when are you gonna be serious in our training?" Gem Gem replies "why? are you satisfied? (smiles)" Shiro answered "not yet! how 'bout you? are you satisfied or not?" Gem Gem sits down saying "same as you Shiro (laughs) cause, I haven't come to my full power at this point at least not yet." Shiro smiles saying "(laughs) well, that makes sense I've been going about 80% on my own." Gem Gem was shock and said "what?! your holding back?! (growls) alright fine! let see how you fight me this way! (uses a dash shoulder tackle)" Shiro was hit but Gem Gem throwed some hard blows saying "ha! how's that? taking me seriously now?!" Shiro counters by throwing a hard punch, Gem Gem flies away quickly taking his stance then Shiro leaps forward and said "ha! we're about to find out! (uses a straight punch)" Gem Gem jumps away telling himself "(smiles) that's it! keep on fighting we're almost there."

   All of a sudden, Shiro runs fast throwing a fire ball for the second time, Gem Gem was shock and swats away the fire ball again occurring a tiny explosion then unexpectedly Shiro appears from nowhere throwing a fiery punch hitting Gem Gem in the face painfully telling himself "(grunts) no way! I didn't see that coming (falling to the ground)" Gem Gem responded quickly throwing a rock but Shiro parries it by throwing a fire ball breaking it to pieces and said "not bad (smiles) so, how was it?" Gem Gem stands up saying "it was great (smiles) now! we will proceed to your very first mission."

   Shiro completed the requirements for his very first mission and the real battle will soon begin afterwards.

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