Chapter 13

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After two days of rest, Shiro regains his strength saying "(gets up from bed) alright! time to do some work." A soldier enters the room saying "captain, the king wants to see you." Shiro answers "okay but where would I go?" the soldier replied "at the kingdom hall." As Shiro and the soldier leaves the rooms and proceeds to the kingdom hall another warrior appears on the scene, the suddenly bows down saying "Admiral Kai-Shek, what a pleasant surprise to see you again (laughs nervously) so, how was your long training at the other didlmesions?" Admiral Kai-Shek answered "it was a very tough training but my opponent got away and the summon that I was going to convince but he told me that he has something to do (looks at Shiro) so, you're the new captain in the 19 cities, what's your name?" Shiro bows down saying "I am Shiro nice to meet you Admiral Kai-Shek, what an honor (leaves with the soldier)" at the kingdom hall, General Ozumi appeared saying "your majesty (kneels down) I have a declaration for you (hands over a red scroll)" King Oojiken opens and looks at the red scroll saying "your declaration is futile, I shall not allow this kind of declaration General Ozumi, this is madness."

   As King Oojiken rejects the declaration of Admiral Kai-Shek and in the meantime, Shiro would finally do his very first task for rich kingdom and for the 19 cities but what could possibly happen if Shiro starts his very first tasks.

   A second before the conversation starts again.........the door to the kingdom hall opens immediately getting the attention of both King Oojiken and General Ozumi but they were not surprise at all because the soldier and Shiro are the ones entering walking towards the throne of King Oojiken then General Ozumi stands aside saying "so, what brings you here Shiro?" Shiro replies "uhm......I've come here to ask King Oojiken about my first task in the 19 cities." General Ozumi was a little shock of what he has heard and said "oh! interesting! this is the first time I heard that kind of request (smiles)" King Oojiken interrupts and said "Ozumi will you please excuse us for a few minutes because the first task that I shall give to our 7th squad captain doesn't have to do with you and the others as well so, if you may? (points out at the door and General Ozumi walks away immediately) thank you General Ozumi." as General Ozumi leaves the kingdom hall then he stops for a moment and said whispering voice "good luck! your death awaits outside this kingdom and within the 19 cities." Shiro answers with whispering low voice as well "ha! even though my death awaits me (laughs) well, too bad the king himself doesn't trust you to do this task." General Ozumi gets a little angry and flies away immediately telling himself "HE'S GETTING ON MY NERVES!" few minutes later, King Oojiken hands over a scroll saying "Shiro, inside that scroll is the enemy you will encounter once you've arrived in your destination." Shiro opens the scroll saying "Cruomaku? king of the gargntwars? who are these guys?" King Oojiken replies "those guys are monsters worse than monsters plus those guys are capable of destroying everything and take over a planet." Shiro answers and realizes something saying "wait! I remember now, these are the ones that I've encountered before (smiles) your majesty, where are they right now?" King Oojiken answers they're located at the 12th city and our soldiers are fighting them right now." Suddenly, Shiro unleashes an amount of energy saying "thanks for the information your majesty (brings out his sword) now, I know what to do." King Oojiken finally sits down on his throne creating a smile on his face because of the determination of Shiro in defeating Cruomaku and the gargantwars.

    As our potential hero starts his very first task at the 12th city, what kind of environment or atmosphere would Shiro feel? how would the people of 12th city treat Shiro as their new 7th squad captain of rich kingdom? on the other hand, what are the upcoming plans of General Ozumi, now that didn't trust him to do this along side with Shiro and yet so many questions are to be answered but as we move on and gather more information about the upcoming task of Shiro assigned by King Oojiken, what lies ahead? what could Cruomaku have done, now that he is being targeted by King Oojiken.

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