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"Felix!" Tiffany screams and runs to him. Felix holds his arms open just in time. Tiffany starts crying, "I thought he was killing you, he was in such a bad mood when you asked to talk to him."

Felix gently holds her and lets her pour out her emotions. Her sobs are the only sound to be heard in the room. As soon as they entered in the guard shut the door keeping out the sounds from the rest of the house.

Sophia stands back and just minutely examines first Felix and then she turns her narrowed gaze to Simon. "Well, I see he's still alive and it looks like unscathed. At least relatively since he's already had scotch before lunch. As have you. Was it really so traumatizing?" Her words in themselves aren't biting but the tone is and very scathing as well.

"I gave him permission, Sophia, at least under certain restrictions which will be adhered to or said permission will be withdrawn and he will be dealt with. Do I make myself clear, Tiffany?"

Tiffany lifts her tear streaked face to her father and nods. "What are the terms and conditions?"

Simon is feeling a huge headache forming and doesn't need this right now. "Felix take her to another room and explain all the conditions. A room with cameras, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir. Come Tiffany, it's not so bad. Especially since I thought he was going to forbid it." Simon has Tiffany stand up and then escorts her out of the room.

"Please stay, for just a bit, Sophia. I think there are some things you want to say to me." Simon knows Sophia well enough to know that much. "I'd rather you get them off your chest now rather than hold it in. That way I won't have to worry about when you're going to crucify me." He'd been going for humorous but it ends up sounding resigned. It seems that he just can't get a break with her.

"You agreed?" Sophia ignored his attempt to guide the talk. She moves forward and seats herself in the chair vacated by Felix.

Simon thins his lips down in anger. "Yeah, I'm not happy about it. He'll need to be very circumspect about things either until they break up or she's eighteen. He's as under as much scrutiny by the police as we are. If they get wind of his dating an underage girl they'll have him in jail for statutory rape before you can blink your eyes. 

"Hell this is a mess of enormous size just waiting to bury us all. It really isn't a smart idea. You knew that though and still you encouraged it. Why?" Simon asks her rubbing his temples.

"Because this way you'll have some control over the situation. If you hadn't of given permission or if Felix hadn't of asked they would have ended up in bed. Tiffany would have ended up pregnant and the police would have arrested him.

"I know you, Simon, you put strict limitations on the relationship. The threat of no longer having the privilege of dating will be the deterrent they need. This  way they won't be having sex any time soon." Sophia smiles and her dimples come out. Simon is blown away, the dimples have rarely made an appearance in the last few months. "I know you Simon, you have Felix terrified of making a wrong move. You banned kissing haven't you?"

"Yes," Simon shudders, "I think I'd kill him if he ever touches Tiffany sexually. I need him too badly for me to be able to do that.

"Why'd you let me believe that he was always here to see you?" Simon looks at her sharply.

"Because if you thought he was here for me you'd only be jealous. If you thought he was here for Tiffany you would have killed him. He needed to be able to talk to you about it. For that to happen he needed to know that he felt strong enough for Tiffany to risk his life. He reached that point yesterday." After her words silence falls in the study. Simon studies Sophia and Sophia studies her hands, finding them absolutely fascinating.

"Sophia," Simon's voice purrs. "We were interrupted last night after I said something and then you were blindsided by father. Do you remember what I told you?"

Sophia refuses to look up, but she does answer him softly, "Yes."

"What did I say?" Simon is trying to get her full attention. He needs to know how she feels about him. If she truly doesn't feel the same then he'll stop bothering her. He can't do this anymore. Felix is right, it will be hell working together if this isn't resolved.

"You said that you love me." Sophia says and only at the end does she look up at him. Simon sees tears building in her eyes.

"If you don't feel the same or don't think you ever will tell me, Sophia. I'll stop bothering you and let you move on." Simon does the best he can on hiding the pain just the thought of her moving on causes him. "I want you to be happy, that more than anything is what I want for you."

The tears spill down Sophia's face, "You make this unnecessarily hard, Simon. You never answered my question. If Corey was found dead and I was holding the weapon of his death what would you do?"

Simon closes his eyes, "Please, Sophia, why are you making me think about such horrible things?"

"Corey will be out on parole in nine more months. Within twelve one of us will be dead." Sophia states without equivocation and Simon looks at her like she's crazy. "He will come after me and then he'll go after Tiffany. I would never betray you or this family, but if killing a rabid dog is necessary than I'll do it. I won't make you choose between your love of family and your love for me. I refuse to make you do that. 

"If I am wrong and you're still interested in me after a year, then we can talk about being together." Sophia wants to end things right there like that but her body, her mouth to be specific has a mind of it's own. "I love you too much, Simon to ever make you choose. When you find Corey dead and me there, I won't try to leave. Take me to the cells or the warehouse or whatever you wish I won't fight you." Sophia slowly gets up and leaves the room.

Simon only then lets the tears fall. She loves him but won't let him near because of Corey. One year. She thinks that it will be all over in twelve months. He can wait that long. Can't he?

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