Bashed Up

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"What is taking you so long oh my god it's just putting on a casual dress." Jaesuk complained as he slouched on the sofa restless.

"Can't you wait a little while more, I'm almost done." Jihyo drew the curtain of her dressing room open.

Jaesuk's POV
I looked up and watched her as she stepped out of the fitting room. Standing before me was one of the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She looked dashing in the blue dress in her beautiful mahagony waved hair falling brilliantly over her chest and glowing porcelain like skin. The dress revealed her milky white slim legs.She was stunningly gorgeous, like a painting of a goddess brought to life. She smiled sweetly at me, her eyes sparkling like stars flaunted on the night sky. She had always been beautiful eversince the first time I saw her. But today, I realised that I looked at her more as a woman than a little sister.

"Oppa! How does it look?" Jihyo asked. She could see his stunned look.

"That looks -.....beautiful," he said as if hypnotized.

"Then you should get her this she'll like it."

Jaesuk snapped out of his thoughts. "Okay..lets get that. You go get changed first we still need to get Jiho's presents."

Jihyo agreed as she hopped back into the dressing room.

Jaesuk sat outside as he waits patiently, the image of her in that dress flashed through his mind. From how beautiful she looks to how sweet her smile was, it was a sight he could never forget.


"Wow, so wise of you to get Jiho a water gun toy huh?" Jaesuk joked as he carried the plastic bag containing Jiho's toys and his wife dresses.

"Well since his dad loves using and spraying it on people." Jihyo rolled her eyes.

They approached Jaesuk's car since he offered to give her a ride home. The basement carpark was rather deserted and they could hear the echo of their conversation. It was late at night and there were few vehicles left in the carpark. Absorbed in their conversation, they didn't realise a black tinted vehicle approaching them. Tyre screeches could be heard as the vehicle maneuvered its way straight towards the couple.

Jaesuk's fast reflexes quickly grabbed Jihyo as he pulled her away from the approaching vehicle.

Jihyo gasped as she clinged onto Jaesuk's strong shoulders. She couldn't get a grasp of the situation.

Jaesuk grabbed her shoulders after throwing the plastic bags down. "Jihyo, are you okay?" Jaesuk looked into her eyes feeing worried.

He had no time to check on her. A few masked man jumped out of the vehicle.

"Give me your money , or I'll take her with me!" one of them who seemed like the master mind , yelled.

Jaesuk stood infront of her shielding her with his built. He rummaged his pocket and took out his wallet without any hesitation.

"This is all I've got, please don't hurt her and leave us alone." Jaesuk pleaded. He could feel terrified Jihyo squeezing the side hem of his shirt as she weeped silently in fear.

"Damn , you're so god damn broke." the mastermind rummaged through the empty wallet and revealed a knife from behind as he waved it around before them.

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