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"Is this all?! Nation's broke MC." he screamed as he flipped open the empty wallet.

Jaesuk slowly paced backwards closer to his car while the masked man threw tantrums due to his empty wallet.

"What do you expect? I just spent my money shopping," Jaesuk distracted the man.

Just when the masked man was busy handing the wallet to his other partner , Jaesuk pulled the handle of his car and shoved Jihyo inside screaming at her to lock the car.

The baffled masked man panicked and surrounded the car while restraining Jaesuk.

Jihyo shook in fear however she managed to lock the car and slumped in the corner backseat of the car. She flinched at the sight of Jaesuk getting pulled away and beaten up like a pulp. They threw punches and swung their arms at the defenseless guy. He was spitting blood and was on his knees begging them to stop. She knew she had to help but one of the masked man was standing right outside and she knew that she had no chance of fighting them.

At the sound of a police car siren approaching from far away, the group of masked man panicked as they took Jaesuk's expensive watch and fled from the scene.

Jihyo quickly rushed to his aid. He was sprawling on the ground nearly unconcious, grabbing the side of his stomach. He gasped for air, his expression clearly showing that he is in pain. She frantically searched for his spectacles that flew during the brawl.

He coughed," Are you okay Jihyo-ya?"

Jihyo grabbed the cracked spectacles laying by him and held his head resting it on her lap. "I'm calling the police and ambulance! " her hands stumbled pressing the keys on her phone.

"No don't! Just bring me home please." Jaesuk begged. Jihyo looked into his deer eyes. She heaved as she pulled him up and dragged him into the car. After grabbing the bags, she drove to his place.


She glanced at the mirror to check how he was doing at the back. Grunts could be heard from the back seat where Jaesuk was lying restless. Jihyo started to feel guilty.

"Does it hurt real bad? Should I drive you to the hospital?" she asked.

"It feels like 10 Jongkooks just punched me in the stomach. Just drive me home it'll just bruise a little. I don't want my wife to know and I don't want to make my family members worried." Jaesuk grit his teeth.

"Oh god , why did you act so brave , you knew they had knifes."

"I was scared but my priority was to protect you. Couldn't let them scar that pretty face of yours right?" Jaesuk joked as he cupped the side of his stomach.

She drove silently as the guilt in her builds up feeling bad for not being able to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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