Sleep Well (Kenny X Reader)

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I was laying awake in bed at 3am; as usual. I haven't been getting too much sleep recently. I don't know why. I've just been waking up at 3am and then not being able to fall asleep again.

     I told my boyfriend, Kenny McCormick, about this. Actually, I was more forced to tell him since he quickly realized that I wasn't myself and that I was tired more than usual.

     Ever since then, Kenny has been sneaking up into my room through the window and sleeping with me. It felt nice to have another person's warmth in bed with me. For a while, it worked. I got enough sleep thanks to Kenny.

     Today though, I woke up at 3am again. I just laid there, listening to Kenny's soft snoring. He had his arm around my waist, keeping me close to his form. It did feel nice. I loved this feeling ever so much, but I just felt like Kenny was sick of me. Every night, at 12am, when everyone else was sleep, he would force himself to stay up and walk all the way to my house. He had to then climb up into my window, which was on the second floor of my house. Not to mention it was freezing every night here in South Park.

     I sighed softly. Why does he care so much? He should be with his little sister. Not me. I'm a fucking 17 year old (girl/boy/kid). I should be able to sleep alone. Why doesn't he just leave me? He deserves better.

     I had managed to pry Kenny's arm off of me. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom quietly. I didn't want to wake anyone up. Once I was in the bathroom, I closed the door, not shutting it, and I turned on the light. I rubbed my eyes and looked into the mirror. I looked terrible. There were dark circles under my eyes. My face looked dead. My hair was a mess. It was awful. How could Kenny love something like me?

     Sighing sadly, I returned to my room only to find an awoken Kenny looking around for me with my phone flashlight. Once he had spotted me, he sighed in relief.

    "Is everything okay, babe?" he asked quietly. His voice was so beautiful. My heart fluttered whenever he called me a pet name. I loved it, but I didn't deserve it.

     I forced a smile and got back into bed, saying, "Yeah, Ken. I'm fine."

     He put his strong arm around me again, kissing my cheek.

     "Are you sure?" he asked.

     "Yes, Kenny. I'm sure."

     "Completely positive?"

     I stayed silent before shaking my head "no" in confession.

     Kenny sighed. He turned me to face him. "What's wrong?" He rubbed my back comfortingly.

     How did he always manage to get to me like this?

     I faced him, keeping my gaze at his bare chest. "Why do you put up with me?" I asked, speaking quietly. I heard my voice break.

     Kenny sighed again. He lifted my head so I looked at him. His beautiful and bright blue eyes looked into my dead and tired ones. His hand went over my cheek. He ran his thumb over my skin slowly and softly.

     "I don't 'put up with you'. I take care of you because I love you. I will always be here for you. I love spending the night in bed with you like this. And I can't wait to do it more often in our own home with our own bed," the blonde boy spoke.

     A dark blush crept onto my face. Did he actually mean it or was he just trying to make me happy? I looked away.

     "You're just saying that," I mumbled softly.

     "Am I really?" he asked.

     I simply shrugged. Kenny made me look at him again. He leaned down, closing his eyes. His lips touched mine gently. He was always so gentle with kissing me when I was upset. He knew that all I wanted was his touch. I kissed back slowly, pressing my body against his. He held me as close as he could, almost as if he was scared I'd slip away from him.

     Soon, Kenny pulled away. He looked at me with his beautiful, twinkling, blue eyes. My vision had managed to adjust to the darkness. I examined all of his handsome features. How did I ever manage to find someone this perfect?

     Kenny rubbed my back comfortingly. I felt myself feeling drowsy.

     "K-ken, what time is it?" I questioned, tiredly.

     Kenny looked at my phone, replying, "Almost 4am. Get some rest, baby."

     I nodded slowly, letting my eye lids fall.

     "Thank you, Kenny," I whispered.

     "You're welcome, (Y/N). Sleep well," his soft and soothing voice replied.

     I felt his lips touch my forehead. He didn't move his lips. He just left them there. I felt so safe around him.

     I soon found myself back asleep. I had two more hours before my alarm went off for school.

     Thanks to my amazing boyfriend, I am managing to finally get enough sleep.

Thank you, Kenny. I love you.

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