Girl Lesson ~Natasha

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Being the youngest person in the tower sucks. Eighteen and useless for the most part. Tony was always making fun of me for my height and my age. Clint even joked about me behind my back at times. Who didn't? To them I was just some kid off the street. Except to Steve, Bucky, and Natasha. They were the only people that actually likes me. Steve was a gentleman. Bucky was a hunk. Natasha was a bad ass that most people would fear.

"Y/n! Where are you?! We're gonna be late if you keep hiding." I heard Nat say as I saw her jog around in the halls. Little did she know, I was in the vents right above her head. Soon I got tired of avoiding her so I was fixing myself when all of a sudden I slipped and fell from the vent where I was. I was expecting to hit the floor but to my surprise i landed in her arms.

"Hey Nat." I said shyly. I wasn't sure if I had upset her or not. "Are we still gonna be late?"

"Y/n! Get in the car now. I am taking you shopping whether you want to or not." Natasha said as she dragged me out to Lamborghini Gallardo. Sleek black to match our souls that we no longer have, as Bucky would put it.

⏰Time Skip⏰

Here we are. The mall. Hell for those who are tomboy like me. And of course the first place she took me was Victoria's Secret... Natasha was relaxed and at eased and I was so stiff and awkward. They measured me and everything. I totally wasn't nervous or Skittish. I was completely terrified! Soon enough I found maybe like three sets that I wanted one was black lace, blue silk, and the third one had a white with red stars on the top and the bottom half was red with white stars (I'm ashamed to say this but I got the set ideas from some characters... Black lace = Natasha, blue silk = Steve, and white and red stars = Bucky).

"For a tomboy you have some sexy ass taste in underwear." Natasha said with a flirty wink. "Maybe I can see the lace in action."

"I am not becoming a stripper for you Nat. I'm not that kind of a girl. Hell, I'm not really a girl now." I exclaimed as I glanced at her as we walked back to the car.

"Damn! I already texted Tony and he has the pole set up and everything." Nat said. She sounded upset. Damn it, why do I feel bad? "Do you remember that night I took you out and you ended up dancing on the bar?"

"How can I forget? You paid me the most and when some guy would try to touch me you would nearly kill him by saying that's my girl back off unless you wanna die. Besides it happened last week." I said with a smirk and a giggle. It was also the best day ever. Seeing Nat get so jealous and protective over me was somewhat hot. I wonder what Nat looked like in bed? Wait why the he'll am I having this thought?! Damn...I bet she's really good at it.

"Y/n! God, yes or no?" Nat almost yelled causing me to turn a bright pink realizing i was lost in my thoughts. "Will you at least dance for Bucky, Steve, and myself?"

I was at a lost for words. Wow. I don't see the harm in it. So, I nodded and couldn't wait to see their reactions.

So I might as well make a part two of this. So enjoy and when the book gets to at least a few reads I'll post more. Also, comment if you want t a part two to this or not.

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