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I'd lay there motionless on the icy floor, staring at the black ceiling. Contemplation — it more or less makes up my life. Death? I'll contemplate my reaction. Suprise? I'll contemplate the benefits. Choices? I'll contemplate the safest option or the one of great benefit. Now here I am, staring at the depthless roof and wishing for my freedom; wishing for my sister back; wishing to understand.

A vibration shook the room, and from outside I heard echoing screams of women, children, innocents like me, trapped by these people. Tiny buzzing sensations rang through my ears as I felt the soul energy of hundreds of people rapidly fading. Alarmed, I perked up from the cold floor and decided I put my training to use.

I imagined darkness swirling into me, embracing me and becoming one with it. I then commanded it to form a mirror in front of me, and to my surprise, it worked.

"Sh-show me the outside world" I asked of it peevishly. Then, the mirror of darkness swirled and reflected, beneath the eerie moonlight, the image of a women in battle armour darker than the night's sky and a blade more fearsome than the legendary Excalibur. And it was her in that awesome suite of armour, her wielding the deadly blade.. It was a dream come true in a nightmarish world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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