•~Chapter 2~• An Intriguing Specimen

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"A...Are you trying to flirt with me...?" Was your only response. The Uchiha lets out a small chuckle... then a giggle... and then a full fledged outburst of laughter, a hand now covering his face whilst he chortles enthrallingly.

"Flirt with you...? Oh darling, whatever gave you that idea..? Do you simply assume this due to the way I look at you..? Can't you sense my amusement..~? You are such an intriguing specimen!" He infers, your face now flushing with embarrassment.
"Darling... something like this, would be flirting...~" he spoke, prepping you with an example.

The male then takes you by the chin once more, yet this time, his grip upon your chin was a tad tighter, as to pull you forward... your lips not feet away, not inches away... but mere centimeters away from his own. The man then whispers in the most smooth, affable manner,
"So sweet... you're far prettier up close... those eyes of yours are indeed dazzling, whether or not you compare them to my own eyes. Beauty such as yours... is unparalleled. I almost want it for myself...~"

Your body remains stiff. You couldn't even tell if this was an actual flirt, or him simply teasing you... but whatever he was trying to accomplish with you, was working in ways that you couldn't understand. Your face had begun to light up with the slightest red, your gaze quickly moving towards the side, your body trembling ever so slightly.

   "W-Why... are you doing this..." You stammer, the feeling of his hot breath fanning out delicately against your face. The Uchiha then lifts your chin even higher, your neck now completely exposed to his hungry jaws. His lips then inch ever so closer to your skin, his breath tickling your jugular, which sent a feeling of shivers crawling along your spine.

"Why..? Well... I can tell you one thing that I know about you, lass... you enjoy this dirty treatment now, don't you..?" He whispers against the flesh of your neck, your fingertips tingling eagerly, as you bite your lip, and turn to the side ever so slightly.

"Well..? Am I wrong, lass..?" He continues, which is when you try to swallow a lump which you felt being conjured from within your throat. You were terrified... yet he was indeed, correct. You found this treatment seductive... you found him, seductive. Those eyes... they were dangerous... but they only improved upon the situation.

   He was right. You were dirty. Your thoughts would be racing all over the place towards different scenarios which could occur at this very moment. Skin against skin... your breathing heavy and high pitched as you moan and writhe beneath this powerful, dominant specimen. Your body smothered in sweat which leaked through every pore, as he drags his smooth lips over every inch of your body. Those dirty, malevolent thoughts were scrounging throughout your brain, your legs then clenching closer together to shield what seemingly ached for him.

  You couldn't believe you wanted him so badly already. It was such a brief occurrence, and yet your body was throbbing in need... begging him to fill that hole which was already leaking some of its sweet fluids. The Uchiha's breath would've caused so much stimulation for you... as if he were panting in satisfaction after ravaging your body. Your face seemed almost feverish, as you were blushing so intensely.

   The male... he could hear your heavy breaths escaping those lips of yours. He knew you were needy... needy for what he was oh so willing to offer, if those simple words were expressed. He wanted to hear you say it yourself... he wanted to turn himself on by the words he direly wished to hear. It was such a long, dreary battle... and he finally wanted true entertainment. If he could retrieve it from a woman such as you... he would surely take that chance with the time that he had left.

   The heat of his breath... the tingles which lathered you up from head to toe. You wanted it... you dreamt for it, by now. Your dirty thoughts were oh so wild, and in order to stop them, the Uchiha simply had to assist. You were getting high just by the danger that flowed into your senses... getting high off of his presence.

   In response to his question, you hesitantly spoke, "No, you're not wrong..." and you could almost feel his wicked smirk against your neck.

   "Is that so...~? Well then... it seems you've gotten yourself into one sticky situation, lass...~" his words were so tender and sweet, his tone sounding as if he were humming a small tune in your ear... a tune which was enticing enough to get you on your knees and beg for him.

    "Do you want something from me, darling...? You want me to do something even more dirty, is that right..?" He questions once more, eager to rip those answers right out of you, so he could get right down to business.

   Your legs tighten together even closer now, and you began to squeeze the words through those lips of yours, "I-I do... really dirty..."  And the Uchiha's tongue was then drawn out from his slightly parted lips. His tongue touches your sensitive jugular, and he trawls this saturated muscle up and along your jawline, slicking it over the back of your ear. His lips peck once, ever so lightly, against the cuff of your ear, your legs then parting just a tad to give him open access towards anything he so desired. His lips then greet your ear once more.

   "You're such a naughty girl... discipline is what you need... perhaps it'll cure the mess your making in those pants..~" he purrs, his tone singing into your ear, making you want to cry out desperately in need for the monster which lurked beneath those trousers of his.

   "Or make it far, far worse... darling... I'm going to fuck you senselessly if you keep begging for me like a slut! Your so needy... it's so noticeable..~!" He couldn't help but chuckle, your face igniting with heat once more.

   "I... I want to be your slut, Madara... I want you to fuck me..! I don't know why I'm already this horny... but I blame it fully on you..! Please... make me your slut so I can beg for you..!" You plead, just letting every word which reveled within your mind be spilled from those lips, the Uchiha then twiddling his thumbs rather excitedly.

   "Darling...! I knew you were dirty, but not this dirty..! Slow it down, lass... I want to have some playtime, first... I want to taste your desirable body...~" He replies, exposing your neck further by snatching you roughly by the hair, and pulling your head back.

   "It's about to get rough, my dear... hold on tight..~"

Madara Uchiha X Reader p.2 ((LEMON, BEWARE MATURE CONTENT))Where stories live. Discover now