•~Chapter 3~• A Dire Need Fulfilled

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"...M...Madara... a-are you sure about this..? D-don't you have other things to do, rather than this..?" You couldn't help but add on, his breath continuing to tickle your skin.

"Oh darling... there really is no need for you to worry about such things..~ plus, if you're going to beg like that, then I'd be more than happy to oblige~" The man chuckles, then raising a hand to caress your cheek with precise, gentle motions.

"B-but... w-what if someone sees...?"

"Then they'll simply have to unsee it... I can be of assistance, with that..~" the man replies, then pointing towards those menacing, purple orbs which glittered, as if it were made of thousands of shimmering stars. His eyes were beautiful. So beautiful, that you had once again, found yourself lost in them. Amusement was shown in his gaze, as he could tell you were  infatuated.

"...They're beautiful.." you whisper beneath your breath, the Uchiha smirking with delight. Such a delicate, fragile creature... yet curiosity still dappled your mindset.

"Why thank you, dear lass... anyways... what might your name be, hmm..~?"

" -y/n-."

"Ah... that's a unique name you have, -y/n-... I adore you..~" He purrs, snatching your chin once more, and pulling you closer.. and closer... until right then, your lips connect. They were smooth... ever so smooth. His lips glide upon yours manner-fully, giving you time to adapt to this romantic behavior. He pulls you in closer, a gloved hand roaming up and along your spine, only to eventually reach the back of your head. You could feel his nails through the fabric of his gloves, and they were gently scratching at your scalp, causing you to quiver, as if a cool breeze was brushing against your body.

He felt dazzling. His movements were so gentle and captivating, that you already felt that lustful desire for more of him pricking and pulling at your innards. Such a wretched, villainous scoundrel such as he, could've never been such a romantic hunk... yet it was oh so true! The kiss had already slowly began to grow deeper and deeper, those passionate movements of his quickening, yet you would've found yourself keeping up with him, swaying with him... following him.

   You could now tell how far he was willing to go. His other arm had soon swung around your waist, his hand roaming about your lower back, fondling with the soft fabric, almost threatening you that he'd be more than willing to remove your shinobi attire. Your lips part... as does his own. You were falling deeper into him, just as he was falling deeper into you. His tongue touches your bottom lip... and automatically, your muscles tense. The Uchiha would've noticed this quickly... and with that... he pulls back from you.

   You and Madara's lips had still been less than a centimeter apart, your breath heavy, as your heart rate had drastically increased due to the steamy romance that billows around you.

   "..So tense.." He breathes, moving towards you just a tad. You move back... your head soon touching the rock wall behind you. Before you had any time to react to this, his lips had already found yours once again. The heat was intense, now. You were on your knees, while he had been, as well. Now, however, he was above you... hands touching the wall on either side of your shoulders. His eyes narrow, a smirk once again being felt upon your lips.

   Your lips part once more, as does his own. His tongue slicks daintily over your bottom lip for the second time, warning you that the kiss would eventually reach its full, steamy potential. Your muscles grew tense... yet not as tense as before. You thought you were falling for this lustful trap already, but you now fell for it deeper. His presence... you could feel it all around you. It was menacing... yet it was blanketing you in comfort. Relishing in this fact, caused safety to succumb you, and your tongue crawls out of its cave, squashing sexily against his own. Saliva was sloshed about with those passionate, slick movements that both of your tongues coddle.

   His arm swept around your waist... pulling you further and further towards him. You had nowhere to put your knees... you were getting too close to him! You then adjust your position.. and soon enough, your clothed breasts were squished against his chest. However... what caused you to quiver the most, is that you were now straddling him. Your thoughts fluttered with perverted scenarios that you dreamt of having come true, but it was getting so whimsical, that perhaps you'd soon get them..!

   That fluid being sloshed about, slowly began to leak from the kiss. It went drooling down your chin, dripping upon your cleavage, and some of it even slipping onto Madara's tidy new robe. The Uchiha obviously found this erotic... and you could feel his excitement between your legs. Your arms found themselves wrapped around his body, the both of you pulling yourselves into each other, the romance flaring and spiking this whole situation onwards. The lustfulness pricked and pulled at you, your hips rotating just a tad to wallow in more of his excitement...~ to make it grow.~

   You then felt those gloved fingers fondle the skin beneath your shirt, as he had lifted the fabric just a tad just for a cruel tease. He was only able to tolerate this teasing of his for so long, before both of his gloved hands made their way up your shirt... caressing the delicate flesh of your back. They slithered further... and further... and further.. before finding the clamp which held your bra so sturdily together. He plays with the clasp, your face immediately igniting a dark red whilst tongues still continue to tackle each other. Then... the clasp loosens... and your bra was unhooked.

   It was getting deeper...  just how deep would you want this to get..~?

Madara Uchiha X Reader p.2 ((LEMON, BEWARE MATURE CONTENT))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora