Chapter 2

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You got up nervously from the seat. You thought you didn't do anything wrong. Crossing your fingers, you walked into Mrs. Yang, your principal, sitting in the office.

"Good morning, y/n," She said calmly as you sat down, "you're not in trouble, but I'd like to talk to you about a specific student. Yes, you and Mr. Marais have a, um, different friendship." She chuckled.

"Yes? You could call it that." You thought out loud.

"Anyways, at his old school he wasn't the best at math. This is his first day, but he didn't understand a word from the teacher. We think it would be best if the second smartest child in the class could tutor him."

"Second?" You snarled.

"Yes, Mr. Avery was our first option, but declined the offer. Quite violently, actually." Mrs. Yang look down at her book and scribbled something inside. You could barely make out the words: Mr. Marais is to meet up with y/N y/L/N [your last name]after school at his house for at least an hour. His parents will carpool. Only happens when they have homework. She handed you the paper and sent you away. You walked back to the class and approached Jonah.

"I hate to say this, but- actually- nevermind- here you go." You awkwardly handed him the note and walked back to your seat next to Jack and Corbyn. Zach Herron, who wasn't the brightest student (at all, really) was now presenting his sloppy project.

"Why'd you have to go?" Corbyn whispered. His notebook was filled with really good drawings because of his boredom.

"I'll tell you later." You said.
"Class, your next assignment is a group project. I have partners assigned already." Ms. Regan said. She walked to the front of the class and announced the partners one at a time. You heard Jack's name and your head burst up.

"Jack Avery and Zach Herron- your topic is Frederick Douglass." Ms. Regan spat.

Jack leaned over to you and said, "Oh no, I've got the pretty boy with no brains." You, Jack, and Corbyn tried to contain the hysterical laughter within you.

"Corbyn Besson and Daniel Seavey. Your topic is Martin Luther King Junior."

"Brother, I've got the player who really can't take a joke." Corbyn laughed with the rest of you.

"Hey, at least he didn't try to make out with you. He literally pulled me aside before the first period bell rang- you know, when everyone is in the hallway still- and tried to kiss me. It was so weird!" You laughed. Corbyn and Jack followed.

"Jonah Marais and y/N y/L/N. Your topic is Harriet Tubman." Ms. Regan said as she closed her grading book. "You may get with your partners now."

"God, and I thought Jack and I had bad partners." Corbyn cringed. You rolled your eyes as you began to stand to go to Jonah. Zach had stopped you to asked you a question. Jonah got up and walked over to you guys.

"Yo, uh, y/N, right?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, what's up?" You reply.

"I'm having a party on Friday at 8:00pm at my house, if you wanna come. There'll be punch!" Zach smiled.

"I'd love to go, but do you really think punch is going to persuade us?" You laugh.

"Persuade?" Zach questioned. You could tell he didn't know what that word meant

"Nevermind." As shocked as you were, you said it calmly.

"Now, remember, it's BYOB. Bring your own Boyfriend. No hooking up allowed at my place unless I'm the one doing so." Zach pointed.

"Okay, um, we really didn't need to know that." You laughed.

"Since it's BYOB, I guess I'll see you and Jack there?" Zach said.

"What? I'm her boyfriend?" Jack said excitedly.

"Yeah, I guess so." You laughed and winked telling him to pretend for the party. You looked over at Jonah. He looked mad, or almost... jealous?

The New Kid: A Jonah Marais X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now