Falling Apart

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* A Couple Days Later*

 Ethan's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since that little dispute happened between me and Vince. He saw me a couple times and gave me some wicked glares like he wants to kill me but it doesn't bother me anyways, he follows me around in his car; he doesn't know that I know he's stalking me so sometimes I just run off into some random alleyway to let him chase after me on foot.

Then I would just find a way back home while Vince is out there chasing after me. Derek startled me when he came in my room. Ever since that accident with Vince they never leave me alone in the house and I'm glad. " Vince still following you?" he asked. Seeing my tiredness.

" Yes, but I escaped. Again. for the fifteenth time" I teased.

Lidia came in and asked us if we wanted to go to a movie tonight. I needed a break to enjoy myself and so I agreed and so did Derek.  Derek went home to take a shower leaving me and Lidia so that when he gets back, Lidia will leave to take a shower and get dressed. Fifteen minutes later Derek arrived, I gave him a key so I wouldn't have to get up to see who it was. He came in my room while I was getting dressed. " I love you Ethan" he said while lying on the bed looking at the ceiling. " I love you too Derek" I responded.

He got up and came up behind me. He rested his chin in my neck and kept kissing me. he turned me around and started to do mouth-to-mouth and I participated. We started to moan really wake up with our second heads poking each other as we fought about who should be on top of who.

" O.K, you guys Its time to leave" Lidia shouted from downstairs.

I was wearing a blue jeans pants with a matching blue shirt and a White Air max and a chain with a cross that was clung to my neck. I have to say I'm extremely hot. I stared at myself in the mirror. " Coming!" I yelled forgetting that Lidia had called out earlier. I rubbed in a little eco- gel to give my hair that wettish looking smooth texture to it. " Who is that?" Lidia stared at me asking Derek.

" Ha-ha very funny" I sneered at her.

" You look like a rock star" she commented making me feel very special. What am I kidding, I am that special.

We arrived at the movies about five minutes early. Derek had to park at the lot that was at least two minutes away from the Theatre. All of us stepped out and started walking. My phone beeped. It was a message from Vince. " You look sexy"

I was crossing the road when Vince was calling Lidia she looked to his direction but the same time a car was coming her way about to hit her. I pushed her out of the way. At least I saved her.

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