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"Heavens Nikki! I thought you were out partying or something. Next time at least text me if you're gonna miss dinner, or better yet: don't miss dinner at all", my mom chided, hurrying back presumably to the kitchen.

"Oh uh I'm sorry? I lost track of time I was practicing with Derek", I explained, despite that she probably didn't hear me.

My brother, Matt, walked into the room the moment I mentioned Derek and began to taunt me. "Ooh! Derek you're so handsome! Wanna go on a date?"

"Shut up." I muttered firmly, while I spotted his smug smirk and formed people with his hands and began to make them kiss, while I threw him a fiery glare. Couldn't my mom have had another girl or something? Either way, siblings are annoying, period.

"Well, dinner is ready....was an hour ago." She calls out to me and I shyly leered as she shook her head in dismay, and ran to the kitchen to heat me up some leftovers. I quickly devoured it while my other brother, Cameron, was making noise cheering in the living room next door; watching a football game on TV. I shoveled the rest of my mashed potatoes into my mouth and flew up the flight of stairs and sped through the halls until I reached, then closed my bedroom door to immediately watch the new Dan and Phil video on my laptop, two youtubers who make my life worth living, besides Derek and uh I mean what. I followed that with some disturbing conspiracy theory videos by Shane Dawson and some random Top 10 listicles by Buzzfeed. And of course, I FaceTimed Derek.

"Hey Nikki, you okay?"

"Oh yeah, just wanted to call you." I assured then beamed, my cheeks turning beet red in the process. I loved talking to Derek, it always made my day, almost as much as beating him on the court and the internet.

"Cool. Hey, could you do me a favor?" He asked and once again I grinned charmingly and nodded like I would do anything he asked, and I guess I kind of would.

He blushed (I would've blushed back if I wasn't already blushing whoops). "Well, there's this girl that really means a lot to me and I don't know how to tell her how I feel. She's beautiful, nice and I really like her. Can you give me advice on what to do for her?" Oh my heck—I mean, like I can't believe it! He must be talking about me! I felt so happy I felt like I could rock the finals, climb Mount Everest and then get drafted for the NBA twice.

"Sure. Anything for a friend." I dreamily gazed and began to absentmindedly twirl a strand of hair around my finger, even though you would never catch me dead doing that ever.

"Well, I really like her name. I think you'd like it. And her strawberry blonde hair. Do you think I should write a poem for her about all of that?" But I didn't answer since I had stopped listening after 'blonde' and was just looking down all of a sudden which I shouldn't have done because he asked me if I was okay.

"Oh um yeah. Look, I've gotta go—I'll talk more about it tomorrow at school. Could you meet me at the intersection like we always do?"

"Oh err, sorry gotta meet Jemma at her house, so next time K? See you later Nik." I hung up and just sat there for a second, paralyzed. How could I ever think that way? That Derek would actually like me in that way. Pfft we played basketball together and he treated me like a sister for God's sake. I tried to wave the thought away, but that night I couldn't sleep and woke up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare where Derek no longer plays basketball with me and he and this Jemma together become the talk of the town.

What really worried me was if it would be true. 


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