Chapter 3- Still Georgina's POV

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"Neat." I replied.

"That was awesome what you did out there. God, Bruins totally deserves it." she said.

"Does he pick on you too?" I asked.

"In a way." she said. "You see, my group of friends has just as bad as a reputation as he does, so he frames us for some of the things that he does."

"That's not fair." I say.

"I know. It's not. Say, do you want to sit with us at lunch?"

"Um... yeah!" I said. I mostly sat alone, so I was down for anything. 

"My friends might not like you at first." she started. " 'Cause you read. But after I tell them what happened just a couple minutes ago, they'll definitely appreciate having you around."

"Uh.. I don't read very frequently.. I just like learning about the human body and stuff." I said.

"That's fine!" she said. I like reading about the stuff I like too. Ever heard of auction catalogs? Those are my jam. By the way, I didn't catch your name."

(I didn't throw it.)

"Gina." I said.

"Cool." she said. "I'm Esmé. Nice to meet you."

She held out her hand and we shook.

The bell that summoned us to lunch chimed and we both began our walk towards the cafeteria.

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