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"She used to be a little girl playing around in her mother's heels. Now she is ready to be a woman dressed in pearls."


"Grandma Lula-" I whispered as I listened to her small snores from her tired , pale , and cold body. Her torn and worn out brown colored shoes that were once of a bright blue. Now colored by the dark mud of our station around the corner of the busy streets.
    Her tiny , petite body ; thin and scared by the ruins of her line of work and the people who order with cruelty and shameful ways.
Her astonishing brown orbs that make you stop and wonder of the life she has endured , surrounded by her aging wrinkles.
At her age she should have both feet in the grave yet she manages to keep walking.
Her skin saggy and deep as if the skin hasn't a connection towards her fragile bones.
Her mind stubborn and willingly to beat even if she knows there is a defeat.
Her heart wild in her pigeon chest even with the slow tempo it would burst with excitement wiping your existing frown for a complete rest.
I tend to wonder 'how does she smile upon such beast?' All I get as answer is her will to complete anything even a small bill.
Even with little to pay she makes a way and for that is the old reason I shall shout ", hooray."
I hadn't realize that her beaming orbs were staring back into mine's.
"Darling , what is the matter?" She asked with concern and kindness. Questioning to myself :Why do I deserve her kind heart and all I could do is send her into a heart attack?
I shook my head slightly only to receive an impact from her wrinkled hands. "What have I told you?" I grumbled only to receive another back hand. "Speak with your words not with gestures." She looked at me to continue. "Never use your fist to settle an argument." "Always-" She started driving me to finish it. "Always see the brighter side in every darkness fault."
I stated as I watched a twinkle that shone in her eyes.
"Grandma Lula?" "Yes , Rafaela. What is it dear?" Chapped lips moved in a rhythmic flow to her words.
"I found a job." I sighed out bending my hands together.
"Nej! I told you I can take care of us. I want you to get your education!"
"Mhamó! I won't see you get beaten an- and hurt working for frauds whom don't give a damn!" "Grandma ,please , please just let me help pay off the house."
"We are not going to have this argument again!"
"I will not have my only relative serving , working , and bleeding unless you are doing it yourself!" Her once peaceful and relaxing brown orbs now dark , dull , and pained.
I rubbed my hand along her spine as I felt every bone of her narrowed posterior.
"We can't just keep watching others pass by - We have to pass by." I stated calmly as if I could enchant my words into her bulletproof mind.
"Just please allow-" I couldn't even finish before I tasted the thickness of my own blood , swelling inside of my mouth.
"I won't allow it. Do you understand?" She demanded the only answer that was left to give. "Yes , Grandma Lula."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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