06 | i'm so bored

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• chapter six •
§ elliot § sebastian §



"hi seb, what's up?"

"nothing. i'm so bored"

"that sounds exciting."

"oh, shut up!"

"i'm being serious, its riveting."

"so, what's happening with you?"

"i got yelled at by a customer today, i was so scared, i wish i could have vanished. like, i didn't know what to say, i was just nervously nodding."

"aw, i'm sorry."

"it's okay. it's over and it wasn't your fault!"

"if i was with you i would have yelled back."

"trust me, i wanted to. but i sort of need a job."

"makes sense. i guess i'll have to be your personal body guard then."

"you seem too nice to yell at anyone."

"oh, how you're wrong."


"what did your mom call you for?"

"she wanted a place
to stay when she visits."


"i said no."


"because she's horrible, it's not like she wants my 'disease' either, so it's just better if she stays away."


"i think i'm gonna go..."

"bye, everything is going to be okay."



y'all already know it isn't gonna be okay

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