chapter one

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The world as we know it is divided. Shadows exist in only 50% of the world's population, and they are said to be evil, to take over a person and leave them with no emotions. But not all shadows are like that. I know because I am a shadow, and my name is Rose.

Every family has a ratio of every 1 to 3 of their children being a shadow, and I was that 1. I've always been different, and my shadow was a part of me. It asked to come out at times, and it never took over me. It was someone I thought was a special part of me, my companion.

But shadows are kept in check by elders, and the number one rule is that shadows cannot show any signs of love. This rule is the only thing that matters, yet they never tell us why they fear it so much. They also fear power, so they keep us hidden and under control.

I always thought my shadow was unique, always sulking in my mind, always hiding like it was waiting for something or someone. Until I met Jack Avery.

When I first saw him, my shadow flashed, and my eyes turned black only for a second. Jack's shadow was showing full of anger and resentment for some unknown reason, and I wanted to touch him, to hold him.

I didn't realize what I had done until my hand touched his, and his shadow left him. His eyes turned hazel, full of warmth, and they shined with life. I knew then that Jack was mine, yet I also knew that Jack's shadow knew this too but refused to show Jack.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, looking at me with concern.

"I'm fine," I said, trying to hide my excitement.

"What happened to your eyes?" Jack asked, noticing my black eyes.

"I don't know," I lied, not wanting to reveal my true identity.

"You're different, Rose," Jack said, looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

"I know," I said, smiling at him.

From that day on, I decided to stay around Jack, knowing the risk of loving a shadow was wrong. But only a small amount of shadows found their mate, and I wanted mine. I deserved mine. I knew the punishment, yet I did not care. I mean, what's a world without taking chances?

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