The Boy That Changed My Life (Cameron Boyce Fanfic)

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So my name is Talia. My counselor says that I am going through depression....and I know its true, I'm always upset and sad. its so hard to hide that in school, but I still do it. I never really have liked anyone...I'm 14 and all the boys just dont even bother talking to me. the girls are all just rude. except for my two friends Grace and Kevin. shes always there for me. I have two bullies Linsey and Hailey. I live in LA so thats a score. but my real passion is acting. it always makes me feel better about myself.

well now you know a little about today started off normal. woke up took a shower washed my face brushed my teeth same old same old. Kevins my neighboor, so we walk to school everyday together. I meet him at my driveway at 7:15 every morning. so I went out he said very happily "Hey are you excited for school!?" I just laughed cause I knew he was joking and I simply just said "hi" back. "so lets get on our way he told me" so we left and got to school around 7:30 we like getting there early. we dont have to be there till 7:45.

1st period

ughh I hat sitting next to Grace though we had this full blown conversation right before class on how all the girls were talking about a new boy at school and how they know he will try and ask him out. then Mrs. Salfer walked in with a new kid (im guessing hes the new boy) then Grace told me she thought he was. "Class this is Cameron, Cameron Boyce hes our new student. some of you may know him from 'Jessie' on tv and other movies" by now all the girls were freaking out. me and grace dont watch tv anymore as much so we didnt really know. but I didnt even bother trying to think about him because I know he would never say a word to me...but damn hes hot! "Talia" said Mrs. Salfer "the offoce assigned tou to show him around today." all I could get out was "ummm..." then Linsey said "she obviously doesnt want to I will do it" I said "I actually dont mind and im up to" then Linsey looked at me with a dwvil grin. great I shouldnt of said that now shes gonna bully me some more when she has the chance.

After 1st period

Cameron walked up to me "hi im Cameron" "hi umm im Talia" I was really nervous I dont know why..."ok so what locker number are you I can show you to it?" I asked he replied with "uhhh 46" "ooh thats actually right across the hall from mine. lets go" when we first walked out I saw Linsey I said to her "you kbow what im not really in the mood to be nervous and wait for your crap, so can u just get it over with?" I asked and out of the corner of my eye I could see Cameron with like a confused face looking at me then looking at Linsey and biting his lip OF COURSE ge probably thinks she so amazing!! "fine are you free right after school" she asked "are you seriouly asking me to schedule for you to frickin bully me!!" "yep" "ughh yea sure bye..come on Cameron" then as I started to walk I realised Cameron wasnt following I turned around to hear him aski Linsey on a date..ughh I already do not like him at all. then he rushed up to me.."so umm...what was that all about" he asked "I really dont want to tell someone I just met especially if your going out with her now" "aww come on I want to be ur friend" I was like shocked at this point but he continued on with " you seem super nice and I think we could be great friends" I dont really want to be friends with someone thats gonna go out with my bully and as excited as I was I told him"sorry but im just showin u around then we never have to seak again it would keep my 'Linsey' life so much easier...I truly would love to but I have to say no" he just looked shocked. then Grace came up to us with Kevin they both hugged me then Grace said to Cameron "hey im Grace this is Kevin and yes we know your Cameron haha!" he just laughed then Grace was saying something to Kevin guys we only have like 2 more minutes I have to show him his locker then get him to his next class what is it cameron? im assuming math because the only reason I would be showing you around is because we have the same schedule." all he said was "yep" I feel bad though cause he seems upset now after I told him no about the friend thing.

At the Lockers

"so this is your locker get what u need im right over here." cameron went into his locker and our school is kind enough to fill the lockers with the books they supply before they come but we all just carry our backpacks around with our other stuff. I went to my locker and I was just getting my crap when all the sudden I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around and it was Cameron he said"its really bothering me does Linsey really bully you cause if she does I will not go out with her" "Cameron its your life what do you care about me you just met me" "I dont know" "for your sake I will say" I mumbled that only I could hear it "she doesnt bully me" I said so he vould hear me. he looked relieved.

The End Of The Day With Linsey

I told Kevin I had to do something that I couldnt walk with him so I went and met Linsey. when I got there I saw Cameron with her. Shit I mumbled under my breath.    "oh um I cant do this right now" I told Linsey and Hailey "chickening already" " know what fine go ahead lets see if he still wants to go out with you after because I tryed saving your little date and told him that you dont bully me so go ahead" and they started calling me names and walking up to me and they both punced me at the same time one in the eye and one in the gut last thing I saw was Camerons shocked face and then they were just kicking me nonstop then I heard someone screaming stop and then I blacked out.

I woke up in someones arms. I looked up it was Kevin I gained my strength and just hugged him and cryed into his shirt your ok now he said then I heard Grace say something but I couldnt really understand.then I heard I think Camerons voice say that his house was right around the corner. we got to Camerons house he let us in then I made Kevin put me down and Cameron said no one was home so we woupd be fine then he said he would take me up to the bathroom to help me I looked at Grace and Jevin with pleading eyes not to let me go alone they shook there heads no im assuming Cameron told them he needed to talk to me. so Cameron walked me to the bathroom and he was washing the blood off my arms and legs and I was thanking him he just told me to stop talking that he had to say something. so he started "Talia im so sorry this happened I just cancelled with her I could never be with someone that could do that to a girl I was so lucky to habe seen Grace and Kevin walking..believe they wouldnt let me touch u Kevin picked u up and Grace stood between him and I but I just want to say that I cant believe this happened it took a lot just to get them to take u to my house and let me talk to u alone but im really sorry and I know I just met u today but something inside felt like it clicjed when I talked to u and I think u r beautiful and I really want to know if u would go on a date with me?" I was stunned someone just asked me out and I think I was starting to like him I was just sitting there thinking about what to say and what to this what it feels like to like someone? he said"well?" I said to him "I have never been asked out before and im really thankful u just asked me and my answer to u is....."


hey guys this is my first story and im really excited about it I hope everyone who reads it likes it im Talia and if anyone reads this comment your name!!! and please no hate remember my first book!! Thanks Grace soooo much for making my cover!! follow my friend her name is @gracemalik3

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