chapter 1 prologue

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My story begins here on planet Pandora my name is zio I have lived alone since age six inside my hut that lies in clove jungle now on my eighteenth birthday the person who sought to end my race and village was no after me the reason why is because I am the last of my race that also knows where our temple lays now that my history has been said we bring you present day

(Year 2035 location Pandora day 1) I awoke inside my hut inside of the jungle to see many traps have been set to catch me like as if he were trying to play with his kill I packed a bag of gear and picked up my dagger handed down from my family today was the day I was going to leave this planet we called Pandora I started to travel towards our temple here on the planet as I walked I felt a pair of eyes focusing on my every move as quick as the eyes watched me my choice of action was to leap into the trees from one to the other but eventually I am knocked upwards and then hit the ground hard he had set a trap to stop me in my tracks was this to be the end of my race the temple was so close if I could get there I could have gotten the ancient artifact but I won't give in here zio then pulled out his only weapon his small dagger and he spin the weapon so the blade faced outward and the back of the blade rest on his forearm he was ready to counter anything that would come at him not soon after the killer had jumped at zio with a long sword in his hand a weapon of great force he held it perfectly straight the sword looked to have come from another planet one called zax a planet of warriors now my first battle was to begin not knowing if I would even live past it the killer slams his sword swiftly at zio and without hesitation zio quickly catches the sword on his daggers blade holding the long sword up being pushed backwards but zio manages to knock the strike back starting to move in a zig zag pattern zio gets in close as the enemy swings his sword zio jumps back now running straight zio switches the dagger position and holds it straight the killer then goes to swing again zio quickly slides under the blade and stabs his dagger into his knee after he does zio quickly runs for the temple after finally reaching the temple he headed for the alter to gain the artifact he then walks up to a blue glowing dagger he is quick to pick it up right after a vision is shown to him seeing other alters not yet clammed and some that were he then made his new goal to seek these alters as the vision came to a close zio felt more powerful and stronger now he knew he would make it off the planet he leaves the temple to now see the killer running for him zio then glowed blue and so did the dagger as he then moved quicker than anything else he dodges the killers strike and knocks the door to the temple down enclosing the killer in the temple he then walked to the ship that the killer had used he couldn't believe he was leaving the closest planet was the one of the warriors planet zax so I set a course and head off as I realized the dagger awakened my magic in me but the spell that was used was unknown to me maybe I could find info on planet zax

altersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora