chapter 2 zax

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(Planet zax year 2035 3rd day after Pandora)I have arrived from Pandora finally after navigating for two days now that I am on zax I will now start a log of the planets I visit as I get off my ship I look around finding myself in a big city as I plan on where and who may know about the alters as I continue to walk I notice a blacksmith shop in the mid center of the city I enter the store wanting to get some equipment checked out from them I walk up to the counter and am greeted "hello sir how may I help you" I was asked by the man I then handed my dagger and some other gear and asked if he could check it he then took it to the back room as he's checking my gear I wonder how I will find the alter to the planet of zax not to long after from waiting the shops alarm goes off and the doors and windows lock down as I stand in the room questioning what was happening I then notice the black smith looking at me "where did you get this dagger" he asked me as I replied "from a temple on Pandora my home planet why"
He then replied "if your in search of this planets temple and alter I've already found it and claimed its powers and ability" I looked shocked as I took this in the black smith walked up to a dummy and put on headphones and raised his hand as a wave of sound came out from his hand knocking the dummy down in place he then tells me of his name it was DJ he then ask me if it is possible to come with me to the next planet I had said yes and also told him about my goal to find all the alters on every planet with nothing left to do we call it a night and then sleep (year 2035 4th day planet zax) as we woke and started to leave we hear a tournament is being held with a cash prize DJ claimed it was a lot of gil∆ I only had a few pieces so we entered the tournament we made it on separate blocks so if we made it to the finals we would fight each other not to long after the tourney begins and its my first match I look at my foe and notice he is a warrior of zax itself who looked tough as they called us out we walk to the field the match then begins as I wait for his move he then pulls put a bow and starts shooting rapid arrows I run and roll dodging every shot fired at me as I close in to him the back of his bow had a blade like a sword I jump back to notice he had swung his bow and hit me with the blade I now had a minor cut now the battle would start as we clashed for a while he swings his sword part of his bow and I catch it with my dagger as it was time I ended the match I move fast holding his weapon steady I ram his chest as he flies back I run up again and cut him quickly three times he goes to swing and I quickly jump back to not get cut he shoots more arrows as I use my dagger and cut them all down as he goes to pull the next arrow I knock his bow far away from him the judge then called it match now after winning my match I went to the waiting room I had two more matches to go

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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