Chapter 3: Hay Gurl Hay!

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   Andy and I talked all day. During Science class, during Math class, during Lunch, during recess, even when we were walking to our cars during dismissal. At lunch, I told him all about the popular things that go around in school. "OK, well, um, Foster, he is always doing the Cat Daddy." I said, "I have to admit, he is pretty good at it. I could never do it, I would break my ankles." We both laughed at that.

Just then, Foster walked over and stood by me. "Hay gurl hay!" he said. "Hi Foster," I said, annoyed. "Well who is this young boy right here?" He asked in his purposeful Scottish/American accent. "You know perfectly well who this is, Skell told you in class," I said.

"How could I forget my manners?!" Foster said. He licked his thumb, and then slicked his eyebrow down with it. "Hi, Foster Macleod, artist, party planner, and Fedora enthusiast at your service" he said. He and Andy fist bumped each other, or as I like to put it, they had a "Bro-hoof."

"Foster, don't you have to get back to your, what are you calling them now.....friends?" I said, trying to irritate him so he would leave. "Alright, alright, excusez-moi for being polite, and introducing myself to our new friend" he said. "Thank you, now go" I said. "Fine" he said, and went back to his loud conversation with his fellow weirdo's. "Sorry about that, he can be annoying" I said to Andy.

"It's OK, I am used to it" he said. "What was Foster doing over here?" Lea asked, seating herself beside me with her lunch. "Being weird, like usual" I said. "Can you believe you actually liked him in the Second Grade?" she asked, laughing. "I know, I know" I said, giving her a really weak sigh.

There was a long silence. "Oh, um, Lea, you remember Andy right?" I asked, trying to break the quiet. "Dur I remember him" she said, "Hi." "Hi" he said. They both sat there, looking at each other, and then looking away.

"Wow, you two sure are instant best friends" I said sarcastically. Lea looked back up at me, and we continued our conversation. "Lea, you want my chips?" I asked. "Score!" she screamed, and clapped her palms together. I handed her the bag of potato chips and smiled.

She and I had been friends forever, since the beginning of time. I was extremely glad that there was a new kid who wasn't soiled by the, what I call, "Pulp." You see, I refer to my entire 8th grade class, as a glass of orange juice. The pulp represents the popular kids. With most people, pulp is unwanted.

So when you remove the pulp, you have just the plain old juice, that would represent us. The normal kids. We are not overly exciting, or extensively creative. We are just loyal. We are always around, helping, loving, caring.Meanwhile, the pulp is off being flaky. Andy had not yet been sucked in by them yet, so Lea and I had a chance to keep him pure, and not a nasty piece of pulp like the rest.

"Andy, um, I think I should tell you about everyone else. There is a lot more complexity to the classes" I said, holding emphasis on complexity. "Oh wow, there is Sienna, she is our schools singer, dancer, actor, piano player extraordinaire, she is..... cool. I mean, I wouldn't really know, I don't really talk to her much." "Yeah, I haven't said two words to the girl since 6th grade" Lea said.

"Anyway, there is also Serena. She and Sienna are pretty close friends. Although I talk to Serena a lot more frequently then I do Sienna, you see?" I said. "OK, that's gonna be a tongue twister for him" Lea said. "Whatever" I mumbled, "And there is also Edwin. He and Sienna have been best friends since like... forever" I said.

"Elvi and Edwin used to be best friends, but she and him kind of became less of friends when he met Sienna" Lea said, interrupting me. "Thank you Lea, I will tell the stories now" I said, pushing her away friendly. "Anyway, but Lea and I became friends after Edwin ditched me" I said. "That's right, Elvina and I are sisters" she said. We both smiled, and looked at Andy. He seemed a little over whelmed.

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