The Vampire Daries: Two's a couple

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful vampire hunter called Mya, who was sent on a mission to save the kingdom from and evil Vampire called Klaus, but something happened along the way, she fell in love with a fearless vampire called Damon, they worked together to destroy the evil being, but as they planned and planned, Mya grew soft and listened to her beloved, even tho she knew a way to kill him, but Damon wanted her to be safe and not do anything dangerous, over time she grew soft, and that’s what Klaus wanted so he could kidnap her and take her to be his queen.

Damon was furious, tried to rescue her but failed the he heard about a ball that the wicked vampire, was holding, and decided to take Mya twin sister Elena to help him, when he saw her he told her how beautiful she looked and to leave with him, she promised at the last hour of the night they would run away together, this fantasy shortly end when Mya and her sister swapped outfits, so it would be easier to escape, as Mya walked across the foyer in Elena’s Dress, Damon stopped her and confessed his love to Elena, because Before Mya was in the picture he was in love her, but she loved his brother, Mya was heartbroken and ran up to her room, Klaus discovered her betrayal and killed her, not knowing that she had been drinking Vampire blood for years in case this happened.

Months later Mya reappeared with none other than Katherine pierce, who looks like Mya and Elena, and even changed Damon and his brother. When Mya and Katherine arrived they played tricks on the town, Mya never forgave Damon for what he did to her, he never apologies either but the sexual tension was still there, stronger than ever.

After Katherine and Damon threw a wicked party at Damon’s place, Damon realised he couldn’t live without her as he watched her drag her ex-boyfriend Oliver up the stairs, he stood outside the door listening to what they were saying, when he heard a cry, he badged in the room and pulled Oliver away from the fair maiden, only to realise that it wasn’t what he thought it was, he sent Oliver out if the house never to return, Mya soon fell asleep and so did Damon.

The next morning Damon was really mad at Mya because the house was a mess, but Mya had other things to do that day, she jumped out of the window and ran straight to Klaus’s castle, into the forest behind it, where he was camping out, Katherine was there with, helping her along the way.

Klaus was there and Mya made her attack, and staked him though the chest with her human blood on the stake, and her life mission was complete now what will she do?

Do you think she’ll have her happily ever after with Damon or Leave with Katherine pierce?      


I actually want a boyfriend like Damon, because:

-Knows how to have fun

-He's a bad boy but a gentleman when he wants to be.


-Additude (personally)

-And sexy as hell

there are way more qualities to him that I love, feel free to tell me what you Love about Damon :)


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