The Vampire Daries: Two's a couple ~ 500 years later

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500 years later

So here I stand after 500 years, back where it all started, back at the front door of the boarding house, where I was about to see my vampire sister for the first time, Yes Elena finally gave in to Stefan when she was twenty four years of age, Stefan had left town after they finished high school because people were starting to noticing he wasn’t ageing, and Elena went with him to Italy where they stayed until she was ready to be with him forever, how I know so much without even seeing her, we kept in contact.

The front door swung open to revile my twin, who was still as youthful as ever.

“Mya!” she screamed as she tackled me into a hug.

“Elena, is that you? Geez you are old” I joked as I hugged her back, I really did miss her not that I was going to tell her.

“Come on” she said as she pulled me into the house, “I want you to see someone”

The house was exactly the same how I remembered it with the same painting that’s hung of the hallway wall and the feel of the same old carpet beneath my feet “who do you want me to see?”

She ignored my comment had pulled me into the lounge, which I just realised had no TV, what sort of lounge room had no TV, this was the 23 century , then I saw him sitting in his same old seat drinking his glass of burban.

“Oh hey, Damon surprised to see you here” I smiled sarcastically, knowing full well he was here because I was here, everywhere I went I would see him there, standing in the shadows thinking I hadn’t spotted him, I was so sick of it I even walked up him to invite him to join us.

“Isn’t just a coincidence that we both came at the same time?” he asked sounding innocent, but we both knew I was showing up here for mine and Elena’s birthday.

I ignored him, and turned to Elena “So where is Stefan?”

“His just running some errands but his not coming with us” she stated “where going to the lake house to party with Bonnie and Caroline”

“I can’t believe we still have that place” I shouted in excitement, I quickly whizzed to the kitchen to grabbed two glasses “let’s celebrate”

“before I turned I signed it over to bonnie” she explained, Bonnie was still alive she had conducted a spell to make her age younger, which gave her more time to teach other young witches.

“So we go now?” asked Elena, I gave a nod. Hell yeah I wanted to get as far away as possible fronm Damon.


“I've been to the year 3000

Not much has changed but they lived under water.

 And your great great great grand daughter,

 Is pretty fine” I sang.

“Please change it Mya” Caroline whined.

“I’m getting prepare for the future” I stated “he even admitted we are going to live under water”

“This is the shittest song ever” Bonnie joined.

“I beg to differ” I disagreed “they also said this song had gone multi-platinum”

“That’s it” Elena fumed, as she changed the station, I could here a few giggle and sign in the back.

I started to laughed as the next song come on, Rihanna ‘Rude boy’ came on .

“What with all these old songs coming on?” Caroline asked confused.

“It funny that you mention it” I grinned, “I had taken all my copies of the good old music, and swapped it at every radio station, it’s going to take them forever to sort the out”  

That was one thing out of a million this that I have accomplished on my list, but I’ve still got a long way to go before it completed.


Sorry that its so short, but im in sort of a writers block, so please feel free to express your IDEAS :)

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