Chapter 2: Getting Use to the World

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    I looked to find a golden lizard face first on its face.  I tried to get up but my body wouldn't let me.  I was stuck on my back, I continued to fumble to get up, and the creature beside me got up rubbing its head.  I mentally freaked out trying not to startle the lizard as it started to rub its head.  It got to a sitting position and yawned, showing his sharp teeth.  It looked towards me and it jumped back, standing up now.  It opened its mouth to speak but ended up sneezing fire while falling on the ground.  It blinked a couple of times and screamed "What the hell is going on!!!"

    I blinked a couple of times.  "Dash?"  I blinked again and yelled "What the hell are you doing here!"

     "Fenturd," he laughed.

     "Dash, this isn't funny," I looked at the now known Dash as the golden lizard.  "Why did you end up here,"  I narrowed my gaze at him.

     Dash stopped laughing and looked scared.  I looked behind me to find a pink flying cat over me.  I freaked out and I still couldn't get up to run.  It smiled "Relax, let me hep you."  It had the same voice as the transfer student from the park.  The creature placed its hands up and made a bubble around me.  It lifted me to the air and flip me right side up.  I was then released and realizing I could not stand like I did before, I flopped onto the ground.  The creature laughed "Anyway, I'm glad you made it."  It looked down.  "I'm sorry about, Sam.  I was about to have her travel next, when my portal wavered and it went right next to the boy that was behind a tree and swooped him up."  It bowed.  "I'm deeply sorry, but I cannot do anything now within my power to fix this.  You are both stuck here."

     "Wait, so you're telling me I have to work with Dash on this," I looked to Dash.  I tried to get up but failed.

     Dash grunted, "Hey, we're in the same boat, let's just get this over with."  He looked to the small pound in front of him.  He looked into the water and back away.  "What am I?"  He touched his face trying to figure out what happened.

     "That would be the magic that transformed you into one of our many species in this world.  You are a Charmander, a special one that is not normally seen.  One that is a different color from the rest.  You are a fire type," it smiled.  "As for you Danny, try walking on all fours, like this," she got on the ground and started to walk in between me and Dash.

     I looked at her and did what she suggested and it was actually pretty easy to walk.  I walked to the water and saw my reflection, I was a fox of sorts.  I had hair that was combed to the side with a white high light, my fur was all black with the tuft around my neck was also white.  I wagged my tail in front of me and its tail tip was also white and I finally looked at my paw, it was white with green shadowy hue from it.  I looked at my eyes and they were green, I looked to the creature, "So, what am I called, exactly?  And what are you called?"

     "You would be called a Zorua, but in this case," she looked to side of her.  "You are a delta species, even rarer than what Dash is.  You are a ghost dark type."  I felt my ears go down as soon as I heard the word ghost come from her mouth, and almost freaked out in front of Dash.

     'He can't know from this, right?'  I asked mentally.

     "I'm what you would call a Mew," She smiled.  "I'm a legendary, a psychic type.  And, because of this, I'm also the only one of my kind."  She looked up.  "I'm an ancestor to all pokemon, that is what all of us are called.  And now, because of this, I must change forms so I won't be found out.  I will travel with you guys."  And with those words, it transformed into a small dog like creature that stood on its hind legs.  It was mostly blue with some black markings, it also had two sets of ears; one more cat like and the other down like a dog.  "I'm now a Riolu, a fighting type.  I'll be traveling with you guys like this.  Please do not say anything about me being a Mew or even speak a word of it."

     "If we did, it would probably end with us in a whole lot of trouble," I said still freaking out a little bit.

     "Wait, are we able to use our real names," Dash asked.

    "There is nothing wrong with using names in this world.  Most of us just choose to keep our actual Pokemon names," Riolu said, smiling.  "I rather keep with the names of the Pokemon I turn into.  So, please, call me Riolu."

     "Of course, Riolu.  I'll stick with my name, just because its easier to answer to than these, Pokemon names."  Dash scratch his head.  "I said that right, right?"

     "Yes, in fact you did," Riolu smiled.

     "Alright then," he then grunted.  "I still don't want to be traveling with him..."

    "Mutual feeling.  But once we finish the task, the sooner we get home and the sooner we never have to think of this.  So, truce," I asked walking over to Dash and holding a paw out to him.

    He mutter but then grabbed my paw and shook it.  "Truce."

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