P r o l o g u e

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She sits back in her chair, an air of elegance surrounding her. Her right leg crosses over her left. Her short dress and six inch stilettos doing wonders for her calves. A glass of lemonade hides the self satisfied smirk painted onto cherry red lips.

The young woman resembles every bit the queen she feels like.

She revels in the feeling of power that engulfs her at the mere thought of the events that took place just hours prior.

She never fathomed doing such a thing but now that she had, she has no intention of stopping.

She turns her gaze to the boy-no man-sitting opposite her. The man sends a mischievous wink her way when he notices her stare. She gazes at him meaningfully. With just a mere look, the young man understands what his cousin is insinuating.

He nods at her discreetly, promising that he will teach her everything that she wishes.

Oh, Yusha Adam. We're not finished with you.

Not by a long shot.

And so began the golden boy's destruction.

Alhamdullilah the prologue is up.

Please give me feedback, good or bad, I don't mind.




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