C h a p t e r : 2

70 4 40

^^^Abdullah and khawla's house.

Unedited. Please excuse the mistakes.

The family of five pull into the driveway of a two-story Victorian home

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The family of five pull into the driveway of a two-story Victorian home.

On stepping out of the car, Yusha notes Nooh's old truck parked in front of the garage.

He shakes his head slightly, not seeming too surprised that they're late again. Even though there's only two females in the Adam household, one of which is more boyish than female, they still almost always end up being the last ones to arrive anywhere.

Yusha shoves his hands in the pockets of his pants and drags his feet across the yard to the front porch.

He tilts his head back as he scrutinizes the garden. His sister-in-law has a sort of obsession with her yard. Abdullah isn't very fond of gardening but he'd do anything to please his wife- which is why every year for the first few weeks of spring the couple spends their weekends at the local nurseries picking out an array of flowers. Even now in the middle of winter you can see their dedication in the well-kept lawn.

He turns back to his family when he hears the sound of the door unlocking.

"As-Salamu-Alaikum," Khawla, his sister-in-law, greets as she ushers them inside.

"Wa-Alaikum-Mus-Salam," his mother replies enthusiastically.

"I didn't know what to bring so Khadijah made cake, I hope that's okay," Saudah apologizes to her daughter-in-law.

Khawla waves her off, "don't worry about it, mum. I have all the food sorted out but I'm definitely looking forward to tea-time now, especially if Khadijah made it."

The young girl grumbles in dismay. She hates working in the kitchen but as she gets older it's become increasingly difficult to escape from her mother's pestering.

Khawla laughs, bumping shoulders with the younger female, "I'm just teasing."

Before Khadijah can reply, Umar cuts in.

"Where is my baby?" He asks- referring to his granddaughter.

"She and Danyaal are playing in her room," Khawla tilts her head to the stairs.

Umar nods and bounds upstairs, bellowing out, "who wants chocolate?"

Two high pitch squeals can be heard. 

"Don't give it to them now, Umar, you'll spoil their appetite," Saudah calls after her husband.

A faint murmur is all that can be heard in reply.

Yusuf and Yusha turn to the lounge to join their brothers as Khawla leads Saudah and Khadijah to the kitchen where Nooh's wife- Haadiya- places the finishing touches on the salad.

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