Long Time No Write/ TF2 Fanfiction

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Hello my geeks and peeps! Sorry its been a while since I last wrote, busy with school moving and a bunch of other stuff. 

     SOoooooooooooooooooooooo first thing fist here is a long over due picture for you guys who (for some reason) are still following this geek. . .

The Fox And The Grapes

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The Fox And The Grapes

 Anyhoo. . . I recently got strangled into another fandom. Thanks Valve! <3 So yeah. TF2 its great and now Imma do a book on it. . .Nothing really else to say about that soooooooooooooo. . .If you guys want me to continue my The Human That Never Fell I will but only if enough people ask for it.

 IF you want to help with the book message me plz! I'm always looking for talented artist and writers (unlike the idiot typing this up. . .) Sooooo yeah. . .I can't offer much other than free advertising. And to my friend who is helping illustrate this a bag of candy is on its way.

    Thanks for hanging in this long! 2018 <3!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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