Chapter 12

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We all walked back to the Shiba house there Jayden open the door and pulled me inside as I walked in I saw Ji "would you like some water" Mike asked "sure but can you give it to me in a bottle please" I asked the others gave me a confused look "oh sorry you see I don't want people to know who I am and if I leave DNA behind then you could use it and be put in danger" I told them "wow you thought of everything because even we were not thinking of doing that" Kevin said Mike came back with a water bottle and gave it to me I thank him the other showed me there guest room so that I could be comfortable I went inside and got settle in

Few minutes later...(Mia POV)

I went out side the room I was staying in and there were five guest rooms in the Shiba house I got the one that was a bit dark the others thought it would fit me best and I agreed I went outside and saw them training more like sparring with there swords I just stared at them with a disapproval face more like a disappointed face I thought they could've done better but then again I was train differently I do not fight like a Samurai ranger anymore I fight like a warrior I guess they saw my facial expression and they started to fight harder and trying to do there best I just left them I need to think for a while.

The photo on top is Mia's room or the guest room

Mia and Jayden Power Rangers Samurai Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant