Mia's pass

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I went to the woods to think for a while I had this spot where I would sit under a tree and look into the lake right next to it I loved it even more when the sun was going down because everything looked so pretty it was filled with live and color. I sat there thinking about things and my life choices I wonder if I did the right thing you know becoming black Ice and with life and leaving the power rangers for 3 years and coming back but them not knowing I was thinking about if I should tell them or something if they were mad at me for leaving them well they forgive me or not...

In London 3 years ago (Mia)
I got off the plane and went to get my luggage I was thinking about what I was going to do with my life if I should live like I uses to or do something new with my life I was so deep in thought that I didn't see a person the person I walked into I look up to see a girl about 18 years old had blond hair and green eyes she looked at me and smiled I got a bit of her aura and it was a good feeling but she also had a magical one too I guess she felt my aura as well because one minute we were standing outside the airport the next we are behind a car she grabbed my bags and my arm with one hand and snapped her finger with the other one and we were at a coffee shop mixed with a flower shop "hey my name is Zoey Valentine and I know your a new fairy and that you just moved here trying to get away for your problems and that's why I brought you here I well teach you very things answer all you questions Mia and if you are wondering how I know all this well the stronger you are the better you get"
End of flashback...

And thinks to Zoey I have gotten better she's my best friend she's more like a sister to me when I told her I was coming back she told me to always be wise and also to come back I promise I would and I am she said that if I stayed here that  then she would have to move here as well. As you can tell me and Zoey have gotten really close to one in other like sisters I didn't even notice that it was already dark outside I got up and went back to the Shiba house but while I was walking I was  pinned against a tree I looked up to see.

 As you can tell me and Zoey have gotten really close to one in other like sisters I didn't even notice that it was already dark outside I got up and went back to the Shiba house but while I was walking I was  pinned against a tree I looked up to see

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Zoey Valentine

The store Mia saw

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The store Mia saw

Mia and Jayden Power Rangers Samurai Where stories live. Discover now