4. I Think I Killed Someone

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Canine Protection Spray.

I find a bottle with that particular title stuffed inside my bag with a letter beside it. It was from my mom.

"What in the fuck-" I say openly as I pick it out. I was in the middle of scrounging through my clothes to find something to wear for the salutations bonfire, even though I know fully well I will be wearing the exact same clothes I have on now.

"You never know. Your uncle Dennis was bit by a wolf once. This stuff is supposed to threaten them away" the short letter read.

I grunt as I throw it back into my bag.

I hear a sudden yelp. Both Hale and I rush to our window. It was a kid who had almost caught flames while trying to burn up some wood for the bonfire.

"I guess that's the signal that there starting up the salutation bonfire" Hale says.

"Well, It's better then that damn Trumpet!" I reply.

Ashes of burning wood took up the air while the sun was beginning to set. You could smell it from inside our cabin. It was pretty big. Boulders, stumps and wooden chairs were located around it for people to sit down. Some guy was handing out Candy Apples.

I commend the invention of Candy Apples. You see? The guilt of doing detrimental harm to your health by chomping down on the harden Toffee is immediately out weighed by the nutritious apple that is concealed beneath. Although let's face it, no-one eats the entire damn apple but it's still a thought.

We make our way over. One of the camp rangers, Richie Rich, I hit myself for even saying his name like that, greets us.

"Now ladies, don't get too close to the fire!" he says.

"I'll do my best not too"

"Tomorrow is the first real day of camp. We are going to be doing some activities to help us get to know one another more, but don't worry, you are all coming with me on a scavenger trail hunt in a few days. So don't bug out! Because it's gonna be groovy, little Hipsters!" Rich then says.

Groovy? Is that still a thing people say?

Time went on, Hale and I were sat on a two seated stump head bobbing to Culture Club as there music played on some stereo nearby. It was the only album these fuckwits seemed to have.
The fire warmed our faces and grew higher and higher into the night sky.
I grabbed the nearest stick and started to draw a penis in the dirt. That's how you know I am bored.

"Nice dick" Hale says.

"Thanks, I grew it myself"

I glance ahead of me and see that Alison's mom Sandra still looked like an emotional wreck, I couldn't blame her. I would be too if I had to sit and listen to the repetitive words of Boy George's karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon not long after my daughters memorial service. A death of which may have been a murder.

"Lucas! You toothless asshole!" I hear a girl shriek across from the fire to some boy. "Why would you snap my shag band!" the girl then says.

"You gotta shag me now!" the boy spoke back.

Hale sniggers amongst herself. I look at her confused. "That's Lucas, people call him Toothless Lucas because an adult tooth was knocked out of his mouth. He makes a story up every time about how he lost it but we all know he was punched. He has a fake tooth because of it" Hale says.
This guy was quite lanky, slim and had long, tangled, shabby hair. Quite like mine to be precise.

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