[ 27 ] 2013

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[ 27 ] 2013

 "What are your feelings towards me?"


She found herself in that dark hallway she had been in once before. It was the place where Calum said the souls went once the body died.

This time, the place was illuminated just enough for her to see.

And she saw Ashton, not too far from her, but his back was to her and he was headed in the opposite direction. She tried to run after him, pushing her legs to go as fast as they could. But it seemed like the more she ran, the longer the hallway looked and the farther he got from her reach.

"Ashton!" She called in exasperation, willing her legs to keep running. 

He finally stopped at the last door at the end of the hallway and she watched as his hand reached out to touch the doorknob. "Ashton, don't!" She yelled, but it was like he couldn't hear her.

Harley knew that once he chose his door, he's be gone forever; off to whatever form of afterlife that would be waiting for him on the other side. Warm tears blurred her vision as she saw him take a step over into the unknown. But still, she kept running.

"Ashton!" She tried one more time, and this time, he turned in her direction, his expression blank. She gasped in horror as she saw for the first time what they did to him.

Several fingers from his hands were missing, in their place were mutilated, bloody stubs. Where his hazel eyes should have been were dark holes with crimson colored blood oozing out, the corners of his mouth were sliced all the way up to his cheek bones like something out of a horror movie. And lastly, there was a switch blade lodged into the left side of his chest, right where his heart was. There were small trickles of blood that traveled down the handle of the knife, falling drop by drop onto the ground.

His eyebrows furrowed, and for a second, she thought he recognized the sound of her voice, but instead of walking towards her, he turned back to look at the darkness and took several more slow steps past the door.

And suddenly, it shut behind him with a loud bang.

And he was gone.

"He needs to be sent away." Calum said from behind her, just as the sobs began to escape her lips.

"You can't do this." She cried, turning around so that her eyes could meet his.

He grinned. "Yes I can. I have the power to do it, so I will." Closing the distance between them, he reached out to caress her cheek with his hand, sending a shiver down her spine.

She smacked his hand away and growled. "Don't fucking touch me."

"I know you don't want me to send him off, but he's in my way." Calum shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you mean?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

Calum laughed. "You're clueless. Its obvious mirror boy likes you. At first, I thought all that bullshit about defending your honor was because of his boring sixties upbrining, but now I think it might be more than that. And you probably like him too since you're always defending him. Its kind of awkward, don't you think so? Just imagine making out with him. You'd be making out with the soul of a guy who died fifty years ago."

"Even if he isn't alive, he's still a much better person than you." She told him. 

Walking away from him, she headed in the same direction Ashton had gone. "Harley, wait. You don't know what's behind that door." He called, but she ignored him. When she reached the door, she opened it and walked past it. 

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now