Chapter 1

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My name is Piper. I have two sisters that look just like me. Blue eyes blond hair. Oh and the three of us are triplets. Piper, which is me, Andrea and Max. We're 14 and still in middle school. But yet we look like we should be seniors in high school. We have our  mom's looks. Or mom is beautiful and smart.

I looked at my slippers and tried to count the steps it would take to get to them. My estemation would be about six steps on the cold hard floor. I thought to my self "is it worth it or should I get socks?" 

"Girls get out of your rooms and get down here!" mom yelled again. Okay well I should just suck it up and get my slippers.

Just as I was putting them on Max bursts into my room knocking me to the floor with the door.

"Oh my gob Piper, are you okay? Im so sorry." Max said helping me back onto my feet. 

"What is so important that you needed to open my door so fast?" I asked. Max looked at me puzzled.

"Nothing is important. But mom is calling us down." Max said.

"Yes I know that. Im sure the neighbors have herd her this morning." I said rolling my eyes. "Well I guess we should go see what she wants." I said rubbing my head and walking out of my room with Max trailing behind. Andrea was already down stairs in the kitchen.

"Well now that I have all three of my first born kids down here at once I can now tell you the good news." Mom said smiling at us. For some reason my gut was telling me it was fake but that might be because I havent had food or my coffee yet.

"Okay mom, what's up?" Andrea asked laying her head on the table. Mom walked over and smacked the back of her head.

"Head off the table Andrea. You know the rules." Mom said. Andrea glared at mom. 

"Mom, what's the good news?" Max asked getting mom's attention again.

"Oh right. I just got off the phone with the realator. We got the house!!" Mom said squealing and being super excited. We all just looked at her.Our expressions the same.

"A new house, a new school." Max said not excited.

"New friends and the same nickname every year. 'New girl'. " Andrea said looking down.

"Girls,why arent you excited? You liked this house. It's big, you get a huge yard and you get to walk to school. No more bus." Mom said. She looked at each of us. No one looked happy.

"When are we leaving this time?" I asked. The tears were about to flow out of my eyes.

"Two weeks." Mom said. We all groaned all at once.

"Well I'll be the first one to start packing my room. If you need me Ill be up stairs." I said and walked off. As soon as I closed my door the tears flowed fast. I ran to my bed and flopped down with my head in my pillows. It was a while before I calmed down. Although I think I cried myself to sleep because I woke up two hours later. I felt a little better after I woke up. Maybe that's what I needed. To cry and let go of all my problems for the moment.

Once I fully woke up my ears started to tune back in. I could hear yelling coming from down stairs. I was trying to figure out the voices. Sounded like a man and a woman. I looked out side my window and saw a second car in the drive way. I then knew what was going on and knew it was bad news. Dad was here.

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