Chapter 2

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I ran out of my room and went into Andrea's where her and Max was sitting on the floor on the other side of Andrea's bed. The both looked at me with tears in their eyes. The both ran over to me and hugged me. Me being the oldest by an hour to Max and two hours to Andrea, they looked to me for everything.

"What do we do?" Max asked with the most fear in her voice. 

See mom and dad split just after our second birthday. So pretty much sense our birth we were shipped from house to house. Dad always stayed in one house but mom hasnt had a steady job in a while. So we move alot because of the new job, we would only stay in a house for a year or so.

I looked at Max, saw the tears in her eyes. Then I looked at Andrea. She was always the quiet thinker between the three of us but as I looked to her for advice, she had nothing. She just shook her head and looked away.

"Stay here. I've got this." I said squeezing both of their hands.

"What are you going to do?" Andrea asked.

"Im going to stop this." I said with a stern voice and walked out. I quietly slipped out of the room and closed the door. I went to the top of the stairs and took a deep breath. This was not the time to chicken out. My sisters were counting on me.

I walked down half way just so I was able to see where mom and dad were. Looks like they're in the kitchen. I walked down the rest of the way and went into the kitchen. I just stood there frozen. No one saw me or if they did they didnt stop yelling.

"What are you doing here? How did you find us?" Mom said. She was scared. I could smell the alcohol on dad. It was 11 am and he's already started drinking? Wow, that's low. Even for him. What did he do, stay the night in a bar?

I've had enough of this. "Hey will you two stop yelling!" I said screaming at them.They stopped and looked at me.

"Go to your room Piper. This is between your mom and I." Dad said.

"No. You're not suppose to be here and you know that.  And what's worse is that you smell like a bar. Get out of here or Im calling the cops. I have them on speed dial." I said. It wasnt a lie. But what he didnt know was that I didnt have my phone on me.

"Are you feeling okay Piper?" Mom asked. Yes this was out of character for me me. For one I didnt have my phone in my hand and that thing is always in my hand.  But also  have never gotte in the middle of their fights.

"Mom Ive had enough of the arguing between you two. It's got to stop before someone gets hurt." I said.

"No what's wrong with you? Youre glowing." Mom said.

"Im pissed. Dad get the hell out of here!" I yelled. Right when I said that I couldnt see anything but a bright light. It hurt my eyes but it was warm. And then I was on the floor. I dont remember what happened next. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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