1) Isola Dei Dannati

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On Boat

Jay and Billy- We sit together at the back of the boat, silently watching as the trio films the bit before lockdown.

Aaron- I sit across from Zak and Nick with my camera on them.

Nick- I sit beside Zak, resting my head on his shoulder.

Zak- (Smirks) The fans always question if we are dating, though we play up the bromance Nick is married with two beautiful daughters. "After talking to six key witnesses, plus two historians our location; the infamous Poveglia Island..." I adjust the hold on the file in my hands. "Has got quiet an interesting and dark history."

Nick- I turn slightly, where my lips brush against his cheek. "Just how dark is the history?"

Zak- (Raises Eyebrow) 'Damn Tease' I ignore his attempts at trying to get a reaction on camera. "It's dark. The island is first mentioned in the chronicles of 421, when people from Padua and Este fled there to escape the barbarian invasions. In the 9th century the island's population began to grow and in the following centuries its importance grew steadily, until it was governed by a dedicated Podestà. In 1379 Venice was under attack from the Genoan fleet; the people of Poveglia were then moved to Giudecca.
The island remained uninhabited in the subsequent centuries; in 1527 the doge offered the island to the Camaldolese monks, who refused the offer. From 1645 on, the Venetian government built five octagonal forts to protect and control the entrances to the lagoon. The Poveglia octagon is one of four that still survive.
In 1776 the island was put under the jurisdiction of the Magistrato alla Sanità (Public Health Office) and became a check point for all goods and people coming and going from Venice by ship. In 1793, there were several cases of the plague on two ships and consequently the island was transformed into a temporary confinement station for the ill; this role became permanent in 1805, under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte, who also had the old church of San Vitale destroyed; the old bell-tower was converted into a lighthouse. The lazaretto was closed in 1814.
In the 20th century the island was again used as a quarantine station, but in 1922 the existing buildings were converted into an asylum for the mentally ill and for long-term care. After 1968 when the hospital was closed, the island was briefly used for agriculture and then completely abandoned."

Jay and Billy- (Mutters) "Damn..."

Aaron- We ignore the overly intimate closeness between our leaders...to us it's normal or as normal as a bromance should be. "We handling this like a normal lockdown?"

Zak- "No...this one is by far more dangerous, especially because non of the hindered speak English."

Nick- I cut Zak off. "There have been varying reports of people being scratched, bruised, pinched, slapped, punched, bitten, leaving with mysterious broken bones even illness. Being pushed or shoved. Having their clothes or hair pulled. Getting tripped, dragged down hallways or into seemingly vacant rooms. Being locked in or out of seemingly vacant rooms. Hearing growls, screams, cursing and whispers."

Aaron and Billy- (Pales Drastically)

Jay- (Sarcastically) "Oh is that all?"

Nick- I shake my head. "There are varying reports of orbs, shadow figures, rocks or boards being moved, foot steps and doors slamming shut."

Zak- This time I cut Nick off, which earns me a glare. "There have been reports of a demonic presence that owns the halls and isn't very merciful when you cross its path...we will need to be very careful."

Aaron- "Lovely..." I shut the camera off and enjoy the last bit of the ride to the cursed island.

Jay and Billy- We talk amongst ourselves, going over a game plan just in-case shit goes south.

Nick- I wrap my arm around Zak's and press my lips to his jaw.

Zak- (Smiles) I lace my fingers with his. "You're clingy."

Nick- (Hums) "More worries, than anything..."

Zak- "Uh huh..." Ya I didn't believe that nope, not for a second.

Twenty Minutes Later

Aaron- We dock, finally stepping foot unto the rather daunting and ominous island. (Shivers) "Creepy Place."

Billy- "Ditto..." Jay and I begin unpacking our gear, setting up cameras and x-cameras.

Jay- After every corridor is wired, we set up nerve.

Nick- I stand at the edge of the rocky shore. (Hums Thoughtfully)

Zak- I walk up beside him. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Nick- "Just thinking about life..." Zak and I have had heart-felt conversations previously, but right now wasn't the time to allow our emotions to cloud our judgement...we couldn't risk the lives of our crew.

Zak- I watch him walk off inside, then eagerly follow after him a few moments later. (Smirks) "Time to work!"

~Authors Note~

Isola Dei Dannati=Island Of The Damned

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