He's Back

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Espin's POV:

"Dol, why did you have to write it so dark? It won't come off!" I groaned, trying to scrub the ink off my body.

"There's no fun in writing it light!" She said back.

We were already in Woodbridge, Virginia, Dol, Brook, Matt, and I hometown. We were at a hotel, I just got out of the shower and I was trying to get rid of the ink on me.

"I give up!" I yelled, putting the rag I used down in the sink, drying off my stomach, and walked out of the bathroom, putting my long sleeve maroon crop top on and then my white jegging overalls. Then I walked over and asked Dol to put my hair in Dutch braids.

I shared a room with Dol, Matt, and Taylor.

"Then it's meant to be if it won't come off." Dol told me.

"That made no since, but okay." I laughed, while walking over and sitting on mine and Dol's bed. Taylor and Matt were on their bed facing us, and we were facing them. She finished the braids and sat next to me.

"I'm so tired!" I said putting my heads in my hands. Jack and I have been practicing 'I Run To You' for three straight days in a row, for thirty minutes each day. Mostly because I want to get the song down and not to mess up on stage. We just got done with practice ten minutes ago. We also got done with a thirty minutes of dance practice before that.

"Well you have been practicing non stop for the show. You have nothing to worry about Bailey. You and Jack are going to be great out there." Matt told me.

"Yeah, you don't need to stress out your voice before the show even starts." Taylor added.

"I just want to make sure I got it, and not sound like the seagull off of the Little Mermaid who can't sing." I told them, lifting my head up out of my hands.

"You can sing Bailey I've heard you before. You're going to be fine." Matt said trying to comfort me.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"I got it." I said and got up, went to the door and looked through the peep hole. I saw someone I thought I've never see again. Bodhi. (Bode-ee <if you need to know how to say it.)


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We used to be a thing, but never dated. You know? He was very aggressive, and he still probably is. If I didn't do what he wanted it would always end bad. But how did he know where I was? He also had two other friends that had a thing woth Brook and Dol, they did the same thing.

I backed away from the door slowly with a shocked expression on my face. I made my way over the them and they were looking at me confused.

"Dol." I whispered.

"Yeah?" She said in her regular voice.

"Shh, Dol it's bad, it's really bad." I was still whispering, and freaking out. He knocked again, and my head shot to the door.

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