Chapter 1

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"I love standing here, gazing at the night Sky and talking to you. It gives me so relief, I wish you were here Mom." Ellen said to herself, sipping from her glass of blood at the balcony.

"Princess, are you there?" Someone knocked at the door. "Come in Liana. And what are you doing here at this hour of night?" Asked Ellen while Liana came to her.

"Queen wants to see you right now Princess" Liana told Ellen with an urgency in her voice. "Do you know what's so urgent that can't wait till morning? Do you know what she wants from me?" enquired Ellen with a smirk. "No but it's really important" answered Liana. "Fine, I will go and see what she wants." said Ellen with an annoyance in her voice.

*Queen's Bedroom*

"Queen, you summoned me? What is it that's so urgent?" asked annoyed Ellen. "You know that the King is out of kingdom for some work, and today, Count Draco of province Ekusa has asked for some help." answered Queen calmly. "What help and what does it have to do with me?" asked Ellen. "Ellen, you know that you are a pure blood princess and the most powerful one in the Kingdom, that is why I summoned you."
"You still didn't answer my question" Ellen was getting more annoyed. "There are too many murders going on in their province. The Count thinks that it must be someone from their family. He wants them to be compulsed so the murderer or the murderers can be found, and you are the only one with that power." answered Marlene.
"Does father, I mean, does the King know about it?"asked Ellen loosing her cool. "Yes he does, don't you trust me? As a matter of fact, he asked me to send you there." answered Queen, now getting irritated.
"But I am not that powerful, and you both know it." said Ellen angrily.
"Tomorrow, you and Tyran will leave early in the morning for Ekusa" replied Marlene very calmly now as if is enjoying it.
"But how..." Ellen stopped in the middle of the sentence knowing that there is no point arguing with Marlene. She is the Queen after all. "Goodnight Queen Marlene" said Ellen and walked back to her room.

"My Queen, Princess is right after all. She is not that powerful.", asked Sierra (Queen's handmaiden). "She will be very soon" replied Marlene with a smile on her face. "You know she will hate you more now, and you love her. Why don't you tell her the truth?" said Sierra sadly.

"You may leave now, goodnight Sierra", replied Marlene with a plain look on her face.

Sierra left the room without asking anymore questions.

Hey lovelies this is my very first story..  please vote for it.
Comments are appreciated

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