mclennon - anniversary

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AN: this is fluff but i promise i'll write smut later. there's a bit of buildup so if you think it's boring then just scroll down a bit and you should be good ((also this is rlly cliche))

//at paul's house//

a worried paul mccartney stumbled his way into the bathroom after waking from a sleepless night.

"today's the day!" paul thought to himself. it was their 7th anniversary, though it would be a small celebration on account of them having to keep their relationship a secret. he looked at himself in the mirror reassuringly. john had forgotten their anniversary for the past 5 years. surely he wouldn't forget this year, would he? paul sighed and splashed his face with water. every year he told himself the same thing, and every year he was met with some half-assed excuse. he knew he would have his heart torn in two yet again tonight. but no worries. he was getting used to it.

//at john's apartment//

meanwhile, here was the man himself, john lennon, sprawled across his messy bed, his sheets half on the floor tangled around him.

he woke with a start and rolled off his mattress. quite the opposite of paul's demeanor, john could hardly pry himself off the ground. he somehow managed to and groggily fumbled his way to the bathroom. he stared at himself in the mirror with droopy eyes. was he forgetting something? something... important? a meetup maybe? nevermind that. it must not be too important if he's forgetting it. then again, he was never the best at remembering dates...


everything was pretty much as he had pictured it. john was absolutely clueless of their anniversary over the phone and paul's day was ruined. i mean there really wasn't much hope that he would remember in the first place, but maybe, just maybe... paul crossed his arms. there was no use in getting so worked up about it. it was only... well, it was only a placemarker, really. yeah, a placemarker for the day he got with john! nevermind that. paul was done debating about it. he made up his mind to have a day out to pass the time before that dreaded night, and he might as well get his shopping done while he's out.


what the fuck was so important?? he told himself that it didn't matter countless times, but it was still gnawing on his brain. a sudden realization dawned upon him. the anniversary! Shit™️!! he'd forgotten all about it! but that was john for you, i suppose. now it was time to put his plan into action. he wouldn't dare mess this up... he absolutely hated the look of disappointment in paul's eyes as he had to tell him yet again that he "forgot" their anniversary. it was a look that john could tell was beginning to say, "do you even care anymore?" but he wouldn't see it this year. no, he had great things planned!

hours later, just as the sun was beginning to kiss the horizon, paul's surprise was ready. john had spent all of his time and money on it. it was perfect! now he only needed to get paul over...


paul strolled down the isles meaninglessly. he had too much on his mind to think about shopping. was he really just going to let john hurt him like this? of course not! he was going to tell him how he felt! that's what good couples did, they told each other things. he sighed angrily and stomped his foot. silently apologizing to the workers for leaving his cart, he marched out of the store and promptly drove to john's.


just as he stepped out of his apartment and into the hall, he saw an angry paul mccartney marching towards him. as he neared, john saw he had tears brimming in his eyes. paul walked up to him and stopped, silently staring at john and tears spilling down his cheeks. he would open and close his mouth as if he was going to say something, but couldn't make a sound. john was the first to speak. "darling, i—" he was cut off by paul's explosion of tears and anger.

"nO! no, every dAmn year you forget our anniversary! don't even trY to tell me you care, because it's obvious you dOn't! for the past, what, fiVE years now all you've done is forget! you'd think that maybe some sort of bell would go off in your head by now to remind you to fUcking forget AgAin!"

paul was full on sobbing by now. his voice was hoarse and rough from yelling and he was attracting attention from john's neighbors. when john spoke to him he was gentle and soft.

"i've got something to show you, luv."

paul sniffled and let a curt "what" escape his lips before john opened the door and revealed what was inside. the first thing paul noticed was that the entire apartment was sparkling clean. it didn't look like there was a spot of dirt anywhere, which was a first for john. then he saw everything else.

the lights were dimmed and the candlelit table was laid out with the most delicious meal paul had ever seen. (besides his mum's) there were two wine glasses and roses in a vase as well. he looked to the oven and noticed a pie on it for desert. paul gasped quietly.

"john, i had no idea. is this what you'd been saving up for?" john nodded sheepishly and looked at the floor. still awestruck, paul sat down at the table and listened to the faint whispers of jazz music coming from seemingly nowhere. john followed.

over the next, say, hour, the two chatted and laughed with each other, soaking up the love radiating off of them. when dinner was over and they had finished desert, john looked at paul with a gleam in his eyes.

"there's one more thing." paul had to admit, he was fucking impressed at the sheer planning john put into this. john's eyes dropped to the floor and paul's followed, just now glimpsing the trail of rose petals from the table to the balcony outdoors. they stepped outside and the view of the cityscape was breathtaking. although paul saw it nightly, it was just different somehow. fucking beautiful all the same.

he rested his arm on john's as they leaned on the railing and looked out over New York. john turned to look into paul's soft brown eyes and smiled like a dork. paul grinned contentedly and leaned closer to john, centimeters away from his nose. their lips met, the sweet taste of cherry still in john's mouth. a warm breeze blew through paul's hair. he sighed and rested his head on john's shoulder. best anniversary ever.

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