mclennon - lost in the woods

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~Some liverpool college or smth, AU where they're not minors bc i am not comfortable writing that~

The air was crisp and the breezes were sweet that early ‪Tuesday morning‬ as ‪Paul McCartney‬ got up and ready for school. What Paul thought would be a normal day would soon lead to an unknown love between an intrepid teddy-boy and a canny sweetheart.

As he boarded the bus, he looked for a seat next to his friend George. They had become friends a few months ago during their walk to the bus stop. Towards the back of the bus, he spied the school clown and troublemaker ‪John Lennon‬ with his mate Pete Shotton. They weren't the most personable lads but they could send the whole bus into tears of laughter if they wanted. Though they weren't very popular among the teachers, they were well known and liked throughout the school.

As the bus pulled up to the front, John and his little gang practically leapt from their seats, almost as if they felt joy from the thought of school. They most likely just had some other place to be. Stealing records, I'll bet. Paul thought to himself. He walked off the bus and up to the school with the swarm of newly arriving children.

The day was going as normally as life would allow until after lunch. No overly important events yet, but John and the rest of them's unhealthy obsession with making trouble was getting out of hand.

There had been a dare going around to go into the woods behind school for the rest of the day. Now, John Lennon, being the teener he was, wasn't one to pass up a dare. To raise the stakes, he was going to trick the goody-two-shoes Paul McCartney to go with him. John arranged for one of his mates to give them a little spook behind the school at which John would run into the woods and hope Paul would follow. Just as planned, after lunch John lingered around Paul until he was alone.

"Oi! McCartney!"

Letting his curiosity roam, Paul dashed behind the school for what he assumed was a quick smoke. As expected John took out a pack and lit one, which was known as "the signal." Feigning a teacher approaching, Pete lowered his voice and called out,

"Hello? Are there students back here? Come out!"

John's head darted around and he turned to Paul.

"Come on! Run!"

Paul looked back just in time to see Pete turn the corner, kindling fear inside of him. The two ran into the woods until they were well too deep, unknowingly lost. Paul only stopped when he saw John ahead, bent over pant-laughing.

"What? What is it? What's so funny?"

Confused as he was, Paul thought he was starting understand. A cold wave of dread swept over him. Now he knew what was going on.

"You should have seen the look on your face!"

This only confirmed Paul's suspicions. He guessed Pete had endorsed John's little charade.

"A prank? Really? Is this honestly funny to you? Now we're lost in the middle of the woods and I don't know what to do! I don't even know if i'll ever get out!"

Paul swallowed. He felt his throat tighten and his eyes sting. He steeled himself, for he wouldn't dare cry in front of John or admit he was scared. It was getting harder and harder to hide his feelings. John would dismiss him as a baby or tell him to man up. He had stopped laughing by now. Paul was completely shocked when he said,

"It's alright, don't cry. Don't be scared, erm... we"ll find a way out." He looked down at his feet. Was he... blushing? Paul sniffled and looked at John expectedly. "Alright then, er, we should probably, um, try to find someone else out here, then, I suppose." A quiet "Yeah." was heard from John and they started the tiring hike to find some civilization.

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