School Memories

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School is a place to learn and make memories, either they are good or bad, they become a part of who you are today.

People say going to school is such a bore, but I used to love going to school until a day came when that thought was changed. Everyday, you had an opportunity to learn something new, something which would benefit your well-being in the near future, thats what aunt Ruby and uncle Rubin said, and I believed it too but something that I am going to tell you now is going to change it or change my life.

Like every other day, I went to school, attended classes, listened to the lectures and took notes that I thought would be important for revision, ate lunch, hung out with my bestfriends, Lauren and Abigail, and then decided to walk home, if I had known what would have occurred, I would have rather stayed with my friends and called uncle Rubin or aunt Ruby to come pick me up.

As I walked back home from school, I spotted a group of girls standing near the shop I often went to, because I used to buy the chocolates I loved from there. They looked like they were waiting for someone, not me, because they ignored me as soon as I came to the shop to buy the chocolates as usual. As I started to leave, I saw 2 boys coming over to the girls and then they left together. I thought they had left, only to find them on my trail. I started walking faster in fear, because I knew they were following me and probably not for good reasons.

They kept on getting closer and it was frightening, the way the boys looked at me. I walked for another minute or two until I was surrounded by them. As the girls came closer, I backed away till I found myself facing a wall. I felt like their prey and that kind of feeling was scary, I couldn't call anyone for help because I was too scared, too scared to even speak up and shout for help. At that time, I used to wear glasses amd looked like a freak in them; a word these bullies used for kids who were a bit different than them, were a bit more intelligent than them. A girl named Marissa, took my glasses off and threw them on the ground and crushed them under her heels. I knew her from my class and I knew she was trouble but I didn't think she would cause me any. I tried to speak up but I couldn't, the look in Marissa's eyes broke my confidence and a little bit of hope that I had of stopping this, shattered, right in front of my eyes. She broke my glasses and the books I was holding, she took them from my hands and threw on the ground. She took my hand and pushed me in an alley right beside the wall I was pinned into. This time the boys came forward. The look in their eyes gave me chills. I knew the guys, they were in my grade. The blonde was called Jake, and the guy with the shaggy black hair was called Blake. I always thought they were good guys, but it changed after what they did to me. Blake came closer to me and kept his hand on my shoulder. His touch gave me chills and it didn't seem right, but I had no confidence to speak up and tell him to back off, knowing that if I spoke, this could get worse. He tore my left sleeve and tried kissing me but I kept on moving my head sideways, what came after this shocked me and left me numb. He slapped me really hard, so hard that it brought tears to my eyes. I pushed him away and quickly picked my books and bag and ran, far away from there.

I couldn't stop running, not until I reached home. I was shaking, really badly. I reached home and ran straight through the front door, up the stairs and into my room. I closed my door in anger, in disappointment, in frustration. I was mad at the boys for doing that and disappointed in myself because I couldn't defend myself. Frustration was just another emotion mixed up with anger and disappointment, it had no reason of being there but it was still there. I didn't notice that when I closed my door, it made a loud noise, which signalled my aunt and uncle that I was home but it also meant that something happened, something really bad. Everyday, when I came home from school, I would wish my aunt 'Good Afternoon' and would hug her and told her that I loved her and all about my day at school but what happened today made me just want to stay in my room and cry. I could hear my aunt's footsteps getting louder till she was right outside my room. She knocked on my door twice and also called out my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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