Thank You

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First, I would like to say thank you for all your kind words. I greatly appreciated them. It is such a great feeling to know that you all cared enough to send your thoughts. You can know that I took time to read them all and read some of them to my family.

Two nights ago, however, in the early hours of January 18 2018, my uncle passed away. We are all deeply saddened by his passing, my mother and grandmother the most. Like all humans, he wasn't always the nicest person but we loved him. He had a passion for traveling, photography, Star Wars, and life in general. I wish I had known him better, and could speak about him the same way his friends did, but for now all I can do is smile for the things I did know about him.

We try not to dwell on the past- on the things we could have done, the what ifs, the regrets if any -we just band together and keep going. Life doesn't stop to wait for us. And I will admit that I cried in the bathtub last night to my boyfriend, I yelled at my uncle's picture and told him to come back because it wasn't his time, I told him that we had yet to go to Greece and swim with the dolphins, I asked him why my songs weren't enough, why when I sat in that hospital room he didn't wake up and finish the chorus. But in the end I know he is with God. All we can do is breathe and keep moving, hands held tight to one another's, and pray this doesn't happen again.

He knew we loved him and we know he loved us the best he could have. I only wish I could have said goodbye. A wise person once said, though, that everything happens for a reason. Life is composed of suffering and from death comes life. Somewhere in that hospital a baby was born to a smiling new mother and father. That gives me hope.

Thank you once more for all your support. I will be back in action soon I hope. For now, all the best from me.

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