Nine | The Quarry

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Your heart thumps quickly in your chest, your palms are sweaty and your head is pounding. This can't be happening, in fact you're pretty sure it isn't. No, this is definitely not happening. Things like this only happen in the movies and your life really isn't big screen appropriate. It isn't even made for television appropriate. Maybe it's homemade movie quality. Anyway, there's no way you can do this.

"Baby, hey are you still there," Sweet Pea stares into your eyes, squeezing your thighs- which are once more sitting on his fouton -to get your attention, "Do you wanna go to the quarry with us tonight?"

Your immediate reaction is to furiously shake your head and run screaming out the door however his hands are still holding you in place so you can only do the first part. Too much has been sprung on you today, you aren't sure if your body can handle anymore. First it was him telling you that you're moving in with him which you had denied without a second thought. Jocelyn had to come in again and tell you that it was, in fact, her idea to have you stay here. When you restated your fears of interrupting her small family she only said that family can't interrupt family. You haven't hugged someone as hard as you had hugged her in a very long time.

"Pea, I, ah, I don't think that's a good idea," he effortlessly pulls you into his lap and tries to catch your eye but you just stare at his black t-shirt clad chest.

"Hey, it'll be great. The guys bring burgers and we have this huge bonfire and, hey, Toni will be there. She's been wanting to talk to you for a while now, I think she feels bad for freaking you out," his voice is soft but excited, rocking you back and forth playfully.

You grip his shirt with trembling fingers, smoothing the material down absentmindedly. You aren't afraid of his friends, per say, you're just nervous of how they might accept you. You're plain, you look like you just got punched in the face- because, well, you did - and, most importantly, you aren't a Serpent. You're worried about how Sweet Pea will introduce you. What are you to him? He told you he loves you and you've been pretty damn intimate but the two of you have seemed to slip the labelling step. The two of you are sitting dangerously in no mans land right now and you aren't sure which trench is scarier.

"But I'm not a Serpent," you look up to meet his beautiful eyes, running your fingers up his chest to play with the hair at the base of his neck, "I'm an outsider. An outsider with nothing to wear at that."

"You don't have to be a Serpent, baby, you just have to be with me and they won't mess with you," his fingers press hard into your lower back, massaging out the knots you hadn't realized had built up.

"Are you sure, I, ah," you can't help but close your eyes because now his thumbs are hooked around your hips, slowly rubbing heated circles while he leans against the wall and draws up his knees so you're now pressed against him, "mmm, Sweets I won't, uhh."

"What was that, baby girl?" You can hear the smirk in his honey voice.

Your body hums as his fingers slip lower, pressing against your tailbone. Your skin is ingnited wherever he touches and then, all of a sudden, his fingers press the right spot and you can't hold back the moan that tears itself from your lips. His name slips from your mouth like some sort of prayer and, god, is it ever fitting because that's kind of what it is. You just want more. You're pretty sure you hear him whisper fuck it before his lips come crashing against yours, his arms tightening around your waist and pulling you flush against his chest. Your hands tug at his hair, pulling an irresistible groan from his mouth.

"Just come with me tonight," his lips ghost over your own, skimming over your jaw and lightly laying kisses to your skin, "please, I want you there."

Sweet Pea ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now