Cri. (Plus rant about bitch ass tessah! ;))

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I might fuking cry ok.

So u know those things ppl call "feelings"? Well the thing is, apparently I have them and they r coming rn

I have talked to my boyfriend in like 2 weeks bc he hasn't been texting me on insta and he hasn't been at school and I haven't really had time to talk.

He likes getting his work done in first period while I become a koala and seagull, jumping around everywhere.

Fourth period you just want to sleep in because it's so boring and u can't even come into her class without a book in ur hands or in ur bag or automatic d-hall

Another thing about fourth period is that if u even think about talking it's automatic d-hall. If u look at her the wrong way it's d-hall.

Band was just another terrible day like normal. Oh and I'm done with Tessah again.

We were playing the game of life in pe (yesh that's my favorite class lol) and we were pretending the ppl were BTS members. Yoongi was in B-B-Biaswrecked's car and Jungkook was in mine. She landed on "Getting Married!" Or whatever it was and (sorry non-Yoonmin shippers) she put another guy thing in the car and we were like "OMG ITS YOONMIN!! THEY R FINALLY GETTING MARRIED AWWWW" and Tessah says "ew fags," OH HEEELLLLL NO BITCH WE GAVE U A SECOND CHANCE AND U BLEW IT!!

We were like "that word isn't allowed at this table" she said "well gay marriage is disgusting and illegal" it is not. After that she said "my whole family hates gay ppl" haha... BYE BITCH!!

After that she tried talking to me and pretending like nothing ever happened.

The first time she said we were (ok this is how she spelled it) "bysexual freaks" and that "BTS will never know we exist". She even said that she'd rather b popular than hang out with some "BTS losers and bysexual freaks" (I shall forever spell it like that to make her mad)

The thing is we have bisexual friends and we would rather b losers then hang out with a fucking bitch that comes up with terrible insults. I swear she is worse than me.

That's all I'm gonna talk about for today unless something good happened tonight

Also, I thought I was gonna get a 10pc. Chicken nugget meal at McDonald's but they changed the menu numbers 😭 so I ended up getting the filet-o-fish which in my opinion tastes terrible but thats me.

Tessah will prolly never read this but if she does...

FUCK U, U BITCH ASS!!! DONT TRY TO PLAY FRIENDLY WITH ME FOR AS LONG AS U LIVE!! WE GAVE U ANOTHER CHANCE BUT U BLEW IT!! *spits on ur brand new "cuuttee" shirt, give cold glance and walks away*

So in other words, how's ur life? :)

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