HeY hEy HeY

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IM BAAAAACCCCKKK!!! So I made this new acc for my bisexual ass hehe (@_I_Need_U_Girl_)   SOOOO I haven't updated on my story in 73737272727 years cause I'm trying to stay away from my phone but currently I'm hiding in the bathroom oof. I started reading the Percy Jackson series yesterday (my mom aka Bella starts clapping and crying cause she's so proud of me) I've actually been reading a lot this past week cause I was like 10 points behind on my AR points (I only had 50) HEHEHHE SOOOOO MORE OF MY FRIENDS KNOW MY SEXUALITY NOW BUT MY BOYFRIEND DOESNT FML!!

BTW should I do a Q&A on here? Hmmm commenttt!!

That's all for now peeps so how's ur life :DDD

Also Lexi if u read this vote on this chapter so I can add u (Lacy told me u read It Was YOU! In front of her so now u get the payback of me adding u hehehhe lol)

Ps I think I just heard a rat oof GTGGGGG.....!!!!!

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